This is the Message Centre for tarantoes
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Good to see you back
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Started conversation Sep 9, 2011
But sad to see you letting the b*****ds get you down.
The fact that the ad hominem attack has been removed
(I didn't see it) should be assurance that only some
people lack the civilised manners to engage in real
conversation. Ignore them, don't reply and certainly
do not let them drive you off.
You may have missed several postings of support for you
from myself, Effers and others which appeared just about
the time you went on vacation after the comments from swl
and Orcus. I had to admit surprise that these two well
respected researchers took exception to your style and/or
your position on the Lybian thing. The majority here will
no longer engage such trollish behavior and will not get
involved or take sides but be assured the majority is on
your side and welcomes your continued input.
I am enjoying your current postings in the Lybia thread as
a synopsis of the recent history that perhaps many here
are too young to remember. Some might say you are lecturing
but I say it is important information that needs to be shared.
Good to see you back
Effers;England. Posted Sep 10, 2011
Hope its okay to but in here.
Tarantoes you are brilliant. please be part of noohootoo. Good and intelligent people here really appreciate you. And its nice for me to have a fellow William Blake fan around...besides the tennis thing
Good to see you back
tarantoes Posted Sep 10, 2011
Hi jwf, thanks for your support
I am assuming the reason why my posts were removed was because I said
correctly that SWL's post on the "news thread" contained a link to
rac 1$t material - which he dedicated to me. I was trying to infer
the reasons behind his post in my comment taking perhaps an
overquick Socratic approach (because I didn't want to spend too much
time on it). I was hoping to get SWL to think of his own actions in
doing this and making transparent the inconsistencies in his own
answers. I don't mind the ad hominems and unsavoury links remaining
on the forum as long as I am able to explore with the poster their
reasons for doing so. I would much like the posters themselves to
first have the opportunity to remove the posts than for others to do
it for them. But for this to happen I would first need to describe
aspects of their posts (ra$ ci$t or/and ad hominem) to engage with
them - and it seems that this is when my comments are removed.
Anyway you have given me something to think about.
Good to see you back
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Sep 10, 2011
Are you saying the removed postings were yours?
Very novel approach! Post something the mods will yikes
then walk off in a huff complaining you've been attacked.
You had me fooled! In one thread I demanded to learn
the identity of whoever had offended you stating my
intention to have a quiet word.
Thank you for meeting my demands.
And welcome back.
tarantoes Posted Sep 10, 2011
It seems I have no voice on Hootoo as my above response has been
yiked. I was trying to respond to the claim that I was fooling jwf
and others ...
Effers;England. Posted Sep 10, 2011
Hey Tarantoes we all had a lot of stuff yikesed of late that was stupid.
Trust the new site not to be like that.
I'm sleeping in my garden tonight and just popped back for a moment. its so amazing...sleeping out under the hawthorn tree.
Stick with hootoo.
tarantoes Posted Sep 10, 2011
Hi HS,
I think I need another vacation from H2G2 already ...
If I am unable to respond to claims because my replies are yiked when
I try to reply to them even though the claims themselves remain well
there is nothing further for me to do, but my anonymity protects me.
I wonder whether you might be able to try out other fora apart from
H2G2 and nohootoo (if it turns out similar to here) - the number of
fora does seem to be growing and the on-line community is vast. I
have become aware that the H2G2 environment can be quite harsh and
unforgiving to some. Tolerance, social and community responsibility
seems to be fairly limited and I wonder whether the net result might
not be particularly beneficial to some.
I just wish that some of our H2G2 members could be a little more
confident in themselves and cherish and make use of the obvious
gifts and talents they possess.
On an unrelated matter the following is the ending monologue in the
film "The Big Kahuna", starring Kevin Spacey and Danny Devito. It
doesn't resonate with everyone but for some it might:
and the written article.,0,4054576.column
On one of the other H2G2 threads members were invited to say who they
loved the most. It surprised me a little that no-one mentioned that
person who we spend most time with. That person who has been with us
from our earliest memories and has experienced our experiences as we
have passed through the various stages and challenges of our
childhood into adulthood. That person who we share our most quietest
of moments with, who never leaves us in times of difficulties and
who will be there for us until our final moments. Perhaps it is
true what they say that until we can love ourselves we cannot truly
love another.
I do have faith in people but none of us are perfect. Perhaps it
is the imperfections that gives us character and identity
Anyway time for sleep.
Effers;England. Posted Sep 10, 2011
Tarantoes you shouldn't give up so easily. But by all means take a vacation if that's whats needed.
There has been a lot of malicious yikesing. For myself I'm not going to let that stop me from coming here. That *will* change in the new site.
And yes I agree about the harshness..and its not a good thing for a lot of us who are quite sensitive. I'm certainly going to draw attention to it from now on and express my dislike for it. Of course I myself can be quite brusque and not exactly pleasant on occasion. I welcome being pulled up on that.
Thanks for the Danny Devito/Kevin Spacey thing. it did speak to me.
And yes its true about loving ourselves. I think I do actually.
Hope to see you around the new site.
tarantoes Posted Sep 10, 2011
This is the type of work I would like to steer my interests towards
in the long run (i.e. developing a predictive capability to group
Effers;England. Posted Sep 10, 2011
So nice you're still around Tarantoes.
I so agree with you about the 'harshness' thing here. And I'm admitting to myself more how much it hurts and I don't like it for myself or for others.
I started expressing my feelings about it in my journals..and sometimes to do with real life hurts. That's really means I'm less likely to take it out on people...especially people here I really care about.
But do you think that supercomputer thing really can work? Did you watch the recent docos, 'All watched over by machines of loving grace'? It seemed to suggest there is always a flaw in it.
tarantoes Posted Sep 11, 2011
Hi HS, I'll get back to your post later. I think I am going to have
bigger breaks between visiting and responding to H2G2. I'll also
try to wrap up my contribution to the Libya-Egypt thread. I am
content that I have now been given my opportunity for redress and I
don't want to be stuck in yesterdays news (better to move with the
changing events).
If you are interested in tennis chat you might want to take a look at
the following site (which developed from the BBC 606 tennis forum
when a group had enough of the WUM contributers). However "caveat
emptor" applies as usual.
Effers;England. Posted Sep 11, 2011
Hey thanks for that, I'll investigate. I spend far too much time here myself. Because of struggles with mental health issues I find myself more dependent on the place.
But really sometimes I think I would be better off getting the hell out of here.
If you know of other fora where there is good intellectual discussion, please let me know.
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Sep 11, 2011
That news predictive algorithm
may have a basic flaw; the fact that styles
and methods and 'marketing' of news have changed
dramatically over the last half century from which
raw data has been input.
"Reports were analysed for two main types of information:
mood - whether the article represented good news or bad news,
and location - where events were happening and the location
of other participants in the story."
We all know a lot more about geography these days and
even the definition of good and bad has changed a bit.
Mood has unquestionably been altered as well. I have to
doubt they have compensated for these inconsistencies.
tarantoes Posted Sep 15, 2011
Hi, I'll get back to your posts later, this is just a query.
I have just noticed that in the "full version" of H2G2 my comments don't appear, instead it says
failure to render - my latest post on the Egypt/Libya thread, as well as my "redress" against the ad homs on that thread as well as the "news thread". On the read only beta version (I think) my comments appear.
Do you use the full version of H2G2 rather than the beta version? I am thinking I need to try to make them visible on the full version of H2G2.
~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum Posted Sep 15, 2011
Effers;England. Posted Sep 15, 2011
Tarantoes I notice you are posting from Barlesque as in Brunel I see ''' for apostrophes.
It's total rubbish. God knows what the beeb spent on it. And they've been working for most of this year to fix it, and it's still unfixed.
I'm sure that's the cause of your problem.
Yes take jwf advice and go for that skin. I use Brunel. But a lot of people like that one.
tarantoes Posted Sep 16, 2011
Hi thanks for your replies
The beta version/full version info is described in a link on the H2G2 site:
and I think I got confused over it in my above labelling.
It is on the latest "skin" (the now default skin) which seems to be
called Barlesque and it is on here that my relevant posts appear
as "unable to be rendered".
I have been using the pre-Barlesque skin (which is either Brunel or
Alabaster). Anyway I have worked out the reason why Barlesque is
not rendering those posts of mine (trial and error using my 123
testing journal/message centre) so will do something about my
unrendered posts shortly.
Key: Complain about this post
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Good to see you back
- 1: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Sep 9, 2011)
- 2: Effers;England. (Sep 10, 2011)
- 3: tarantoes (Sep 10, 2011)
- 4: tarantoes (Sep 10, 2011)
- 5: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Sep 10, 2011)
- 6: Effers;England. (Sep 10, 2011)
- 7: tarantoes (Sep 10, 2011)
- 8: tarantoes (Sep 10, 2011)
- 9: Effers;England. (Sep 10, 2011)
- 10: tarantoes (Sep 10, 2011)
- 11: Effers;England. (Sep 10, 2011)
- 12: tarantoes (Sep 10, 2011)
- 13: Effers;England. (Sep 10, 2011)
- 14: tarantoes (Sep 11, 2011)
- 15: Effers;England. (Sep 11, 2011)
- 16: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Sep 11, 2011)
- 17: tarantoes (Sep 15, 2011)
- 18: ~ jwf ~ scribblo ergo sum (Sep 15, 2011)
- 19: Effers;England. (Sep 15, 2011)
- 20: tarantoes (Sep 16, 2011)
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