This is the Message Centre for Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes
Hallo, Julzes
8584330 Started conversation Dec 6, 2009
Hi Julzes.
I want you to understand that I agree with a great deal of the criticism you and others have leveled at the entry in question. Several LEDs ago, I pointed out the problems I saw with the entry in question. And I don't see that they have been addressed well in the intervening ... weeks? How long has this been going on, anyway?
Just to let you know, and not that I think waving my degrees around makes me a better person, but I do have a strong mathematical background and an M.S. I know my way around math modeling, environmental systems, and statistics. And I can see you know something of science and the scientific method as well, and I respect that.
It's just that I think there is little need to call people names, especially in PR, where we're supposed to be on our good behavior.
There's an old legal adage: If the facts are on your side, argue the facts. If the law is on your side, argue the law. If neither the facts nor the law are on your side, holler real loud.
Since the vast and growing body of experimental data supports your position, I say, let the other side holler. It just makes it more obvious they lack facts.
With highest regards,
Happy Nerd
Hallo, Julzes
Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes Posted Dec 6, 2009
Since I saw lanzababy's 'worthy' comment, I've been not-so-privately fuming at everything. Also, he did ask me me a dumb question that I felt some need to respond to. He's always rolling his eyes at crit, so I just felt I'd tell him just once that I think he has less than half a brain. That much said, it won't happen again.
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Hallo, Julzes
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