This is the Message Centre for Eveneye--Eegogee--Julzes

Hello, Julzes

Post 1


A cup of smiley - tea?
I really don´t know what your point is about numbers, first of all, my fault, I haven´t read what you have written about.
But from what you say in your PS, I think you are giving certain dates a meaning that I don´t see at all.

The fact that dates coincide with dates or other circunstances has not other meaning than what you want to give to it.
I don´t know how significant is that knowledge for you. I don´t know whether it helps you in some way.
But, what do you want that knowledge for? What gives it to you?

I´m pretty sure we could be having a beer, talking and having a laugh about that or about any other thing.
But, in some threads things sometimes can get uneccesarily tense. I don´t think we have ever been tense with each other and I really hope it will continue so.

I respect you Julzes, just because you are a human being, and I´m sure you too have your sweet heart, as the rest of us.

Nice smiley - tea eh? I made it with orange tree blosoms.smiley - mistletoe

Hello, Julzes

Post 2


Oh it's just something requiring a knowledge of statistics and some reasoning. Don't worry about it. Most people are too turned off by mathematics when they are young to understand it.

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