My Life Thus Far

I was born in a small town in Central Illinois in 1978 to two loving parents and a dog Shaggy. The dog did not actually contribute to my birth (I hope), but Shaggy did help raise me into the man I am today. I grew up on a farm, which does not surprise people once they have spoken with me. I tend to use phrases like: what in tarnation; I tell you what; time to water the cattle; and everyone's favorite AWWWWW horse*$#@! When I was young, I spent a lot of time on my own, attempting to discover the meaning of life, trying to fit all of my GI Joes into the barrel of a shotgun, and playing with Shaggy. Life was a sweet peach until the day Shaggy wrestled with an Econoline van. The van won. I was so depressed that I vowed never to love again, but being a farm kid, it wasn't like I had to beat the girls off of me with a stick anyway. I drifted through high school on a wing and a prayer, but then I went to college and found myself. Well, I found my true calling actually. I wasn't that good at interpretive dancing, math made me wet my pants (which can be embarrassing for a 20 year old honors student) and I couldn't sing like Maria Carey, so I decided that Sociology was the route for me.
I traded in my overalls for torn jeans, my Agripro seedcorn hat for dyed punk rock hair, my 4-H shirt for a shirt that said Whitey Will Pay, and my copy of the farmer's Almanac for Karl Marx. Yes it was a large change for me, and at first I experienced culture shock. No longer was I waking up at dawn to give the cattle hay and corn, but now I was barely sobering up for my first class at noon on a daily basis. I believe I adjusted well to my new state of being. No longer was I worried about the grain prices, now I was wondering how I could bend the will of others to suit my needs. Sociology teaches anyone how to become a god in their own right. Learn to read people, to see what they stand for and against, then take their side and anyone can discover means of exchange (sometimes referred to as friendship) and then these mutually beneficial exchanges of goods and services keep both parties happy and docile. That is where I am right now. I am finishing up college, looking at graduate schools, and living life one day at a time, enjoying every sweet moment. When I stare at the future, the future stares back at me. It's a little off-putting, but I attempt to handle it any way I can. And when it seems that life is too much, I always remember what one of my Sociology professors told me. "Beer helps."

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