Journal Entries

something to think about

every time i try to go skiing someone has to remind me that there won't be time for martinis afterward and i think, well then what is the point?

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Latest reply: Jul 16, 2000

why i am tired

filmmaking is difficult and it makes me tired. poor organization on the behalf of the director also make me tired. it also wastes my time. i dont like having my time wasted.

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Latest reply: Jul 12, 2000

into the only thing possible

i need a hair cut. really bad.

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Latest reply: Jul 8, 2000

pot holes

thinking about pot holes. there was something else too. i think it had something to do with driving. i dont remember now.

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2000


its really hot out. i think this is too much movement for today. later, when it gets cooler, we will go and terrorize innocent towns across the river. mike has a stuffed dog on a pole. i thought about birds again, theres something about them that means they have better powers than me, and i wanted to know what they were. mike inadvertantly killed a bird outside of the olive garden. he threw the leftover lasagna in the road, and the next day a bird went to eat it and got run over. i felt bad, but its kinda funny. not that the bird died, just the reason why it died.

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Latest reply: Jun 25, 2000

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Heidi Supreme

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