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A good topic...

Post 1

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Listen, if you think monkeys are overused as conversation starters, why don't you write about kinkajous? Of course, I have a reputation for being a bit obsessed with kinkajous. Actually, I don't really have a reputation at all, but if I did, I'm sure that it would involve my frequent mentioning of kinkajous in my writings. I'm not actually obsessed, though. I just went for the wierdest animal name I could think of.

A good topic...

Post 2

Heidi Supreme

yeah, i guess you're right. all together though, i find birds to be better then anything else. i think that they have some special power, and i am convinced that if i had that power, taking over the world woud be a breeze. think about it. birds build those nests, they're all woven together and they stay up in the trees in bad weather...AND THEY DON"T HAVE HANDS!!!! how do they do that?

A good topic...

Post 3

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Well, I suppose that there are two ways that they could build a nest without hands. Method #1 would be that the birds use their beaks. That's Occam's razor. It's boring, logical, and supported by evidence. But because I am an annoyingly contrarian kind of person, I would say that these are excellent reasons for rejecting the "beak" theory. It's just too perfect. Obviously, birds' tiny skulls must house some kind of potent telekinetic-brain-attachtment-thing. When a bird knows it's under observation, it grabs a stick in its beak and fools around with it, only building its nest via its amazing mind powers when no-one's looking. Think about it. You may have seen birds PRETEND to be IN THE PROCESS of building a nest with their beaks, but have you ever seen a bird build one start-to-finish with only its beak?

By the way, you were right about the birds being good conversation starters. I've gotten sucked right in.

A good topic...

Post 4

Heidi Supreme

i'm glad you agree and don't think im nuts. i figured this out when i was watching some birds outside my apartment, and i thought, wow, it must be hard for birds to live in the city. then i watched a show and it said something about places that birds build their nests. then i saw the movie Ghost Dog: Way of the Samauri. Ghost Dog trains a pidgeon to carry messages to his retainer. so that got me thinking, and after all that thinking, my best friend and i decided that maybe this needed a little more investigation. lots of eating bacon and large fires resulted, but still no insight into what powers birds have and how we can harness them. next step: buy a parakeet.

A good topic...

Post 5

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

How to harness bird powers? Well, I don't know...You could try to make a bird-powered generator by rotating pigeon around inside a spool of wire. That's how an electric generator works, except that they use magents instead of pigeons...

Oh, and if that doesn't work, try an emu.

A good topic...

Post 6

Heidi Supreme

i wonder what would happen if we cross bred birds with monkeys? something like those flying monkeys from the wizard of oz i guess. but maybe if they had a little more bird and a little less monkey in them... like birds with arms or something. we could call them bonkeys, or mirds.

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