This is the Message Centre for soeasilyamused, or sea

12:32 am

Post 21

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

sea - are you joining us on Survivor - The Aftermath? You're very welcome..

12:32 am

Post 22

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

ooooooops! SORRY - that was a link to my massage parlour......which someone else asked me for when I was flying around trying to find all the participants on Survivor!.. the thread you want is... {I hope that's right!}

12:32 am

Post 23

Ming Mang

Just popped in to say life is as bad as you make it. Currently I am banned from H2G2, have only 20 minutes allowed online a day and have to spend every waking moment being forced to do coursework.
However, if your life is better or worse, there is always room for improvement. You've just got to find out how to do it. If your sure quitting H2G2 is a way to make it better (please, NO!), then it's probably best if you do.
And, just a suggestion, if you don't want to quit it but feel you can't go on being who you are... create an alter-ego.
Hope you're feeling better soon, whatever you decide to do.

Please don't quit H2G2. I don't know you personally, but it would be terrible if this were to hang over you for the rest of your life.

smiley - smiley smile - go one, try it!


12:32 am

Post 24

Post Team

I am also pleased to hear that you have reconsidered. I always DID mean the VP campaign to be fun... but having played an awful lot of RPG games... (Might and Magic series 1-8 + the 3 Heroes of M&M, etc, etc) I know that I certainly occasionally forgot who I was and swaggered about with my Gold armour and Death Sword and felt invincible after a few hours playing! It is so easy to get carried away with a certain course og action, so easy to become completely wrapped up in VL events, and hard to separate the two.
Please lets all just relax a littel more, get the voting over and then, hopefully, things can return to normal around here.
When you think about it, whoever wins will have to come up with regular articles for the Post... not neccessarily something that can be compared to winning the USA election! There is NO Hotline in the 'Post' Office!
shazzPRME smiley - winkeye

12:32 am

Post 25

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

Please would any ladies drop by Andy's birthday centre & wish him all the best, he's 30 today...thank you!

12:32 am

Post 26

The Masque of the Red..., Emperor of Planet X

Glad you decided to stay. Sorry that my campaign got you in trouble (no matter what you say about me being a "pawn"). Hope your next stunt is memorable!

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