This is the Message Centre for Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...


Post 1

[lafinass] I serve only myself

[lafinass] What shall we do about this entire.... coalition? It is your idea and such should get to plan it.


Post 2

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Well, I've outlined who we're going to be facing in the Psst...Zeb! forum:

Anyway, it might get a little confusing if I'm writing for Emar/Zeb, Games Workshop, AND Wizards of the Coast. I'll see if I can set up an alternate homepage with a family member's e-mail address so things are a little less indecipherable.


Post 3

[lafinass] I serve only myself

[OOC] why don't you use a hotmail account... online, free, and can have as many as you want


Post 4

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Alright, sounds like a good idea, if I can get rid of the account when I'm done.


Post 5

[lafinass] I serve only myself

its online, just don't use it.... they will trash it after a few months.... i have like 6 email accounts.

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