This is the Message Centre for Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 1

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] lafinass just beat you with an ugly stick. i KNOW you're not going to take that from him...

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 2

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Zeb: Of course not! But I've been offline (due to a bad connection) for a few days. I'm currently trying to make up for lost time by summoning Cthulhu himself, but Lafinass just said he had left the "Titanic Battle" forum. But if I can't get to him at Heavy's, I'll just have to follow him to his little temple... MUHUHUHUHUHWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 3

[lafinass] I serve only myself

[lafinass] Oh yes, such impressive an impressive evil laugh.... it still needs work.

*Pauses to orginize his thoughts.*

[lafinass] As i do not follow the battle circut... please explain the different factions that seem to have reared their heads in our titanic battle.

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 4

soeasilyamused, or sea

[sea] *confused* f-factions?

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 5

[lafinass] I serve only myself

[lafinass] yes, wizards, warhammer and such and such....

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 6

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Okay Lafinass, here's the deal: Apparently, all that summoning we did began to sever the boundaries of reality and sanity. This allowed the unscripted arrival of a Blood Lawyer of Khorne, from Games Workshop. Games Workshop is a large, evil conglomerate in the gaming business, producers of several popular miniatures wargames.

The confronataion between the Games Workshop creature, you, and the Pokemon aroused the attentions of ANOTHER evil gaming conglomerate, Wizards of the Coast. Wizards of the Coast is the company that produces "Magic: the Gathering," the Pokemon game, and now owns Advanced Dungeons & Dragons, which was what you were apparently basing your powers off of.

Like all evil conglomerates, representitives from each of these companies will include creatures from their respective universes, as well as assorted evil powers associated with large corporations(such as the ability to hurl heavy bags of money at their foe, the ability to disinfranchise game-players with costly upgrades to 3rd Edition, etc.)

Here's the breakdown of the two factions we will be pitted against:

Wizards of the Coast:
-Magic: the Gathering
-Advanced Dungeons & Dragons

Games Workshop:
-Warhammer, Fantasy Battles
-Warhammer 40,000 (sci-fi version of the above game)
-Various spin-offs from each of the first two GW games

Psst.... Zeb!!!

Post 7

[lafinass] I serve only myself

[lafinass] hmmm.... i always thought i was basing my powers off of several different fantasy series i have read, ah well.... very well, we shall she what will come of this grand battle....

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