This is the Message Centre for Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

hmmm still no cartoon :-)

Post 1

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

well it's been 3 weeks(ish) and still no cartoon. C'mon show us some art. smiley - smiley

hmmm still no cartoon :-)

Post 2

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

Alright, alright, relax man. I've been preoccupied with various insundry things. I have a HUGE gap between my intending to do something my actually doing it. Real life has the annoying habit of catching up with me, despite my constant attempts to beat it off with blunt objects. The best advice I can give you right now is to not torture yourself. Don't keep checking up on my homepage. Believe me, as you number amongst the elite few who care, once I get something up, you'll be the first to know. Okay, technically, I'll be the first. Unless, of course, time travel is involved, which I hope it isn't, as it screws up everything.

hmmm still no cartoon :-)

Post 3

Bob (Herald to the ACEs)

Wow. Cool Cartoon. I remember ten years ago when we first started talking about this, and you were worried about time travel being involve....

waaaaaait a minute!!!!

hmmm still no cartoon :-)

Post 4

Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

QUICK!! Get back to your own time before you kill your past self!

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