This is the Message Centre for Emar, the Flying Misfit... Yes, seriously, he's back...

So, what does that make me...?

Post 1

The Corrupt One (MIA)

So, what does that make me...?

Post 2

The Corrupt One (MIA)

*mutters about stupid-arsed little sister hitting return key*

Anyway...the question was supposed to be: So what does all that ranting on your page make ME? Drunk? Stoned? Crazy? A furry mammal with a long tail and a weird name?

smiley - devil

So, what does that make me...?

Post 3

Zeb (Viva Something-or-Other! And the Zaphodistas!)

Oh, NOW you ask what you would be. You've had over a year to think about this one... c'mon, you've gotta find your place in the world. Personally, I'd pick the kinkajou, with crazy person a close second. That's because being drunk/stoned is transient, while being crazy/a kinkajou will last you your whole life.

smiley - winkeye

So, what does that make me...?

Post 4

The Corrupt One (MIA)

LOL! I'm a procrastinator, what can you possibly expect from me? Crazy's probably closer, though...although kinkajou doesn't sound so bad.


I believe I was GOING to say something else, but it drifted from my mind...

smiley - devil

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