This is the Message Centre for Clelba

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Post 61


i wqas talking about mr tiggs smiley - smiley

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Post 62


i wqas talking about mr tiggs smiley - smiley

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Post 63


i wqas talking about mr tiggs smiley - smiley
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 64

Silly Willy

The emphasis should have been on "I", in my post.
smiley - silly

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Post 65


should it?
what was your post?
can't remember.
never mind
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 66

Silly Willy

I must say how well I think I'm looking today smiley - winkeye
smiley - silly

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Post 67

Researcher 159112


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Post 68

Silly Willy

Hey and the same to you too buddy!
smiley - silly

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Post 69


there's something wrong with him, lizi......
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 70

Silly Willy

I have a fractured mind.
If people don't like it, they should just ignore me.
smiley - silly

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Post 71


*actively ignores will*
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 72

Silly Willy

Good for you

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Post 73


*stops ignoring will*
hi will!
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 74

Researcher 159112

nyes, well

*bored so decides to eat smiley - choc + to hell with it!!!*

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Post 75

Silly Willy

Hi Clare!!!!
You're looking good today...
smiley - silly

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Post 76


am i?
how d'you know?
i'm not, actually
smiley - tongueout
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 77

Silly Willy

Oh well, you're looking awful today then!
smiley - silly

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Post 78


that's more like it!
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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Post 79

Silly Willy


---Please Read---

Post 80


you're looking pretty awful today too, may i congratulate you?
^. .^
= ' =
smiley - angelsmiley - choc
smiley - blackcatsmiley - cat

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