This is the Message Centre for JonBob
Welcome back, and Mao
GTBacchus Started conversation Oct 22, 2001
Hi, JonBob! I guess you heard from Editor Chris. I thought I'd drop you a message here to say hi. Hi!
I was working on an entry about Mao, you see ( ), for the Card Games University Project. ( ) I've not finished writing it, because it finally dawned on me to do a search, and I found your entry, which is better than mine was gonna be, frankly. (Do you mind if I call you Frankly? ) This is why we talked to Chris, who wrote to you...
So, if you're into being involved in the Uni Project, just drop a message at the project page (the relevant thread is called "I volunteer"). There's been some discussion about merging the two Mao entries, and we can talk about that. Personally, I think yours is pretty solid. I was just writing about the version that I know, which is sort of a cross between Dictatorial and Fraternal. Maybe my entry could be "One Possible Set of Rules for Mao," but then again, maybe such an entry really shouldn't be written. Anyway, we'll talk. Welcome back to h2g2!
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Welcome back, and Mao
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