Ashnak's bunker

This is Ashnak, CO of the orc marines! In the real world (where I spend 99% of my time, however it might appear) I am Ben Mercer. I live in Bunbury, Western Australia, which is why I felt the need to put my home town in the guide and give my opinion of it too. I am interested in many things, my favourites being computer games (especially shooters) and a wargame called Warhammer Fantasy Battles (made by Games Workshop in England). I serve :-) Jesus Christ :-) as my Lord and Saviour, and have done now for about 7 years (I think...). Find a local church that preaches truth near you, or email me at [email protected] if you want to talk any more about this, or if you want to offer me a job in the Bunbury area (I'm currently unemployed).


Conversation Title Latest Post Latest Reply
Life, the Universe and Ashnak... Jun 21, 2000 No Replies
Life, the Universe and Ashnak... Jun 21, 2000 No Replies


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