This is the Message Centre for Pdmatthew - Probably In a corner somewhere with a guitar


Post 1


<./>Welcome</.> to h2g2! I be HPB, an Ace (Assistant Community Editor) to help you get started. smiley - ok

<./>DontPanic-Tour</.> will show you around while <./>Smilies</.> house these guys: smiley - dogsmiley - cat who make conversation threads like these all that easier. smiley - biggrin

<./>ThePost</.> is the h2g2 newsletter with views, reviews and smiley - erm... news.

Finally PeerReview would love your contribution to the Guide.

If you need help just gimme a call by clicking 'reply' or my name at the top to send you to my space. The other Aces would love to help aswell.

Speaking of which, you don't have an intro! smiley - doh Click to the right on 'edit' when on your space to get you going. smiley - smiley

Good luck!

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