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Non Terrans

Post 1

Reality Manipulator

Any non Terrans (aliens) visiting this planet must be really eccentric or a glutton for punishment. I think they could be alot of rag students or they are like that because they think us Terran's enjoy it. They could also could be coming here for all our sci-fi conventions. It's strange you never hear of sci-fans being abducted by non terrans! Imagine the scene at a sci-convention real aliens meeting humans dressed up as aliens. Now that would be very funny.

It's not as life as we know it Jim!

Beam up Scotty!

Make it so!

I do not get excited by all these flying saucers, they are so boring and passe. Now if I saw something like the Enterprise D and the non terran crew beam down from their ship, now that would be something to get excited about!


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