This is the Message Centre for haustrian

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Post 1

another primate (called rik)

Hello Rachel...

Although i'm a newbie to, I think I can help with your lack of banners.

When you edit your personal space, go right down to the bottom of the page and change your style to GuideML instead of plain text.

Copy and paste the code for whichever banner etc. you want between the bit at the top and the bit at the bottom.

Press "Update" and hey presto!

also, you might want to have a wee look at these: A562303, which is a newbie welcome note that I found really useful, and A187229 which is the GuideML clinic and tells you what it all means...

Hope it helps,

riksmiley - biggrin

No Subject

Post 2


hey rik...thanks so much. this is all very different from my other blogs. i give you a smiley - hug as a sign of my appreciation. you rock.

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