This is the Message Centre for Neesey-3PO

Welcome to H2G2

Post 1


Hallooo Neesey3PO,
Just thought I'd drop in and welcome you to H2G2. I'm Shadow, one of the ACE's (The volunteer welcoming committee.) here. If you have any questions or need help with anything, please don't hesitate to ask. You can do so by either clicking on REPLY below or by clicking on my name above and leaving a message at my page If you're looking for a place to get started, this is always a good spot. There is also a handy quick reference guide at Have fun wandering the vast, twisted and myriad halls of this place. There's a LOT here! smiley - smiley
Welcome again,

Welcome to H2G2

Post 2


Hello Shadow,

Um, I read all the stuff about how to put the intro on my page and then I did it. But, I still don't have anything showing. Where can I go to find out what's wrong?


Welcome to H2G2

Post 3


Are you using HTML or GuideML? If it's HTML, I can help, for GuideML, I'll have to refer you to someone else. Sorry for the delay, I was away from my desk.

Welcome to H2G2

Post 4


If you write in GuideML, make sure your text starts with

and ends with

Welcome to H2G2

Post 5


thank you very much. i had the stuff, but i forgot to put . how much do you know about a comp language called dBase or Xbase?


Welcome to H2G2

Post 6


Umm... nothing! I really don't know the first thing about this tech-suff smiley - sadface

Welcome to H2G2

Post 7


'S'ok. where are you?


Welcome to H2G2

Post 8


I'm in Denmark (no that's NOT the capital of Sweden). More specifically a little town called Fuglebjerg on southern Sjælland, where I happen to live.


Welcome to H2G2

Post 9


I know it's not the capital of Sweden.

I hear you've got some really beautiful old towns in Denmark. A couple of years ago, some of my friends went on a tour of Europe. They went through Denmark and told me about it. Sometimes (most of the time) I really wish the US had more history. I'm studying history, you see. America still feels like a gawky teenager sometimes.


Welcome to H2G2

Post 10


The US does have more history, but you have to read up on the people that settled it first, not the ones that got lost on their way to India. smiley - smiley

Welcome to H2G2

Post 11


I bet I know what you're talking about: the Vikings, and before that the Native Americans. Well, I am interested in both of those people groups,and I definitely consider their history to be American history. However, my main interests is in the World of Ideas and how certain ideas have influenced the flow of history. Unfortunately, most of that happened in Eurasia and North Africa, except for the last 200+ years.


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