This is the Message Centre for Titania (gone for lunch)

Well might dear sister

Post 1

Hades Skald

My dearest sister of fairest face
The most truely noble of the Elven race
I seek shelter in your humble dwelling
A place of love, so compelling
For in you I see a liken mind
Belief in spirits of a supernatural kind
Two sides of a coin we seem to be
Good and evil, thats you and me
Apart we live but half a dream
Together we are a winning team
Join with me and have no fear
For I will protect and cherish you, sister dear

Well might dear sister

Post 2

Titania (gone for lunch)

Beautiful! *deep sigh* I wish my knowledge in English would be good enough to write like that...

Thy greeting I receive
with gratitude
and surprise
how you found me
among all the people
at h2g2

Well met dear sister

Post 3

Hades Skald

Your presence in this mystic place
Is luminous dear sister, and easy to trace
I spied you in the list of those on line
and I met you in your hallowed shrine
These words I write in deep respect
In anticipation of a friendship soon erect
For me and thy were destined to be
Together for all eternity

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