This is the Message Centre for Mostly Harmless

Greetings neighbour!

Post 1

Titania (gone for lunch)

I was checking the new users page from way back when I joined h2g2, looking for my closest still active neighbour - and it turned out to be you!smiley - cheers

Greetings neighbour!

Post 2

Mostly Harmless

Hello Titania,

Here's a Loaf of bread and a bottle of wine, a traditional gift for new neighbors (why aren't there smileys for a loaf of bread and a bottle of wine?). When did you move to the USA? I thought you lived in Sweden. Well anyway, I'm happy to have you as my neighbor. smiley - biggrin

Hope to here from you soon,


Greetings neighbour!

Post 3

Titania (gone for lunch)

h2g2 neighbor - in researcher number!smiley - smiley

It's quite a gap from U135497 to U135628 - a bit sad that all those researchers with user numbers between us are no longer active - if they ever were - some hadn't even done anything about ther user pages...

Cheers!smiley - redwine

Greetings neighbour!

Post 4

Mostly Harmless

Hi Titania,

Ohhh, an h2g2 neighbor. I'm a bit disappointed that I will not be able to drink that wine with you in person. smiley - redwine

Yes, I agree h2g2 has lost many interesting members. I liked hearing from people from around the world with their (sometimes) well thought out ideas and learning what they think about different subjects. I may not always agree with them but I enjoyed discussing their ideas.

And I like the idea that I had friends smiley - smiley around the world. People that never meet me would sometimes think about me (hopefully pleasant thoughts). I also would like to hear back from the friends I made on h2g2 that have fallen away. smiley - sadface I miss them smiley - wah

We still have each other. smiley - winkeye

talk to you later,


Greetings neighbour!

Post 5

Titania (gone for lunch)

Well, it seems that some of the more conversational discussions from pre-Rupert are still hanging in there - and I'm very impressed by the persistence to keep going in the conversations over at the 'formerly known as Forum&Firkin'

Greetings neighbour!

Post 6

Mostly Harmless

Quality conversations always lasts.

I'll have to visit 'formerly known as Forum&Firkin', I've never been there.


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