This is the Message Centre for Mostly Harmless

Well, are you??

Post 1

Dr Pants, keeper of unusual underwear

Just curious to know how harmless 'mostly' is in your case. I think I would describe myself more as 'sporadically harmless'.

Well, are you??

Post 2

Mostly Harmless


How harmless am I??? Well, mostly. smiley - winkeye It's not that I am harmless, it just that I choose not to harm. If provoked with the right reasons I could do great harm, but as of yet no one has crossed the line with me. Standing 6 feet 2 inches and weighing 210 pounds my size has intimidated all (so far) not to push me to hard. But like I said before, it just that I choose not to harm. I perfer food and cheer over hordes of gold. I prefer peace and love to conflict. I wish to live and work in harmony with all.

smiley - tongueout


Well, are you??

Post 3

Mostly Harmless


How harmless am I??? Well, mostly. smiley - winkeye It's not that I am harmless, it just that I choose not to harm. If provoked with the right reasons I could do great harm, but as of yet no one has crossed the line with me. Standing 6 feet 2 inches and weighing 210 pounds my size has intimidated all (so far) not to push me to hard. But like I said before, it just that I choose not to harm. I perfer food and cheer over hordes of gold. I prefer peace and love to conflict. I wish to live and work in harmony with all.

smiley - tongueout


Well, are you??

Post 4

Mostly Harmless

Hi Cows go moo,

Just curious to know why you think of yourself as 'sporadically harmless'??

Mostly Harmless

Well, are you??

Post 5

Mostly Harmless


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