This is the Message Centre for Mostly Harmless


Post 1


hi im lizza. right now thats out of t way ...
im in a bad mood cause i just deleated a journal which took me ages 2 rite an i cant find t dont panic button. hmm i think i need 2 work on my conversation startin skills lets try again.
hello im lizza i hope u r well yuck strangle kill ahhhh.
hey u needent read any more if uv got this far. im 12 no 13 atually ive just ad my bday so im probably older than that (makes age up) im 15 yehr that sounds ok ill stick at that how ya doin man. im ok but i had 2 english exams today as u can probly tell from t way im ritin hope 2 speak 2u gain .


Post 2

Mostly Harmless

Hi lizza,

I hope today was better then your yesterday. How did you do on your two English exams? Aced it right? Here's a tip on writing journal entries, use MS Word or Lotus 123 to write and spell check then cut and paste it the journal, preview it to make sure it copied correctly (Word does strange things to the " ' and some of the other special characters).

Your conversation starting skills are OK, I'm writing you back.. the secret is to just be yourself. And I would love to hear from you again.

Mostly Harmless


Post 3

Mostly Harmless

Hi lizza,

Are you going to write me back??

Mostly Harmless


Post 4


hi sorry i havnt riten back i havnt been on h2 4 a while - as u could probly tell. the exams were fine as exams go and lucly the results dont come 4 a bit so i still have some time 2 enjoy the sun b4 my parents kill me 4 not doing well. that may sound a little negative but i didnt atually try ( to tell ya the truth i dozed off and fell off my chair just as the head of lower school walked past ). i also doodled on the paper and wrote silly comments to the examiner on my paper u dont think he'll not mark my paper bcause of that do u? not that i care... how r u. weve got these german exchange partners in our school and 1 of my friends fancies 1 of them so my works cut out tryin 2 embarras he, atually its not that hard. It was a bit strange having a lesson on the bad sides of hitler in front of them though. the germans are quite lucky though, they dont have any lessons and spend most of the day watching videos as our teachers dont want them in some of our lessons. (I do envy them cause they gotta miss our biology lesson which was so boring - we were watching sticks with a couple of leaves on transpire, how fun)
I'll rite more soon. bye

not a problem

Post 5

Mostly Harmless

Hi lizza,

I am doing well, thank you for asking and how are you doing? I was pleased to see your posting this morning (I was on vacation and did not check in till this morning).

I would think that it would be great to have a German in your history class. I would love to hear how they view the whole Nazi / World War 2 thing. If I were the teacher I would of asked them to give a little talk on the subject. I found that period of time fascinating to study, a lot of history was written during that time. But it reminds me of the old Chinese curse “May you live in interesting times”.

Well I hope your parents don’t kill you when you get your grades. I have enjoyed your postings and would miss them.

Talk to you later,


takes a long time to think of title so decides to stick with this:_

Post 6


Hi Lisa.

i do no ur name but my er friend cough like 2 read peoples conversations. lisa is cool though but she fancies the guy i fancy. oh well its not like ive gott a chance with him - hes in yr 11 and im in 9.

life not goin to bad cept i left all my history hwork till tonight (mon) and it was half term sort of length hwork so i dont now have l;ong online.

do u have to do really wierd things for school asseinments? in english we have to write a sherlock holmes play. i dont think our teachers gonna like ours cause weve made holmes and watson gay, the female client is on opium and one of the people is a french prostetute (no offence to any of the afore mentioned people).

u sound like u'd make a good teacher but maybe ur to fun 4 that sorta thing.

i hope u had a good holiday.
i went sculling, saw some ducklings being born and mucked about with my best friend alex [f] on my trampoline. i also laughed a lot especially when my dad set fire to the kebabs he was cooking on the BBQ.

cant think of anything more to say so this'll have to do.

[goes o a bit longer]
do u like reading?
what r ur hobbys?


i mean bye see ya

takes a long time to think of title so decides to stick with this:_

Post 7

Mostly Harmless

Hi lizza (and Lisa if she is reading this)

My name?? It's David. You can get more information on me by going to my h2g2 home page, just double click my h2g2 name above to go there.

Why don't you have a chance with the guy you fancy? I will tell you this; the most sexy/attractive thing is a girl/woman who is smart and confident. Looks may get the first date but it's the mind that keeps a relationship going. (That last sentence sounds like something my parents would say, but it is true.) Have you every seen the women from Rio, when you see one on the beach you think they are the most gorgeous woman in the world. But if you take their picture and look at it later, they are not that pretty, but they carry themselves like they were a goddess. That's sexy.

Yes, I did do some really weird things for school assignments. (Some of which I am still convinced were some sort of experiment to see who will blindly follow orders, or how far you were will to go before you question the assignment.) I never had to write a play but I did have to write a lot of book reports, give two to five minute speeches, several research papers, and instructions on how to change a flat tire on a car.

I have taught some classes for the company I work for and some of the organizations I belong to, it was hard work but I enjoyed it. You should try it. Try teaching one class (one day, one class, one subject), or if you go to church/mosque/synagogue ask to teach one Sunday school class.

Yes I love to read, I just finished two books and started another book on Christian Mystics. My other hobbies are karate in which I hold a black belt and sport shooting, neither of which I have much time for.

I better get back to work,



Post 8


AHHH THE CAPITALS R ON! thats better.
forgets what she was gonna write....


i don't atually go round loking at how attractive women are so i'll just have to take your word on the rio girls.

take my advice allways question assignments b4 u get them. why? well mainly it makes it more fun. but also it annoys the person giving you the assignment which in my case is usually teachers who r just made for laughing at and knocking down from there positions way up in the clouds.

i will have 2 post some of the things we do 2 our teachers but i know loads of them r h2 readers so theres a slim chance they might read anythin i put up.

u sound scary what with the black belt and all but im not 2 worried cause im quite a good shooter myself, i do it at ccf [combined cadet force] at school. im in the raf and sometimes when we're not menna b doin anythin we have 2 do lecterets, what happens is some one is picked and they have 2 talk 4 30 secs on a chosen topic. u should have seen the boy who had 2 do a talk on trhe aerodynamics of traffic lights. so far i havnt had 2 talk about anything 2 wierd, just waterproof trousers.

i looked at ur page earlier when we were spossed 2 b doin our holmes plays.

lizaz ? oh well cant b bothered 2 change it. lizaz has quite a nicerin maybe i'll change my name...

scary huh??

Post 9

Mostly Harmless

Hi lizza,

What, me scary??? I'm not scary, I'm Mostly Harmless. smiley - winkeye

So you're quite a good shooter, huh. GREAT! I am a big believer that everyone should know how to handle a firearm safely. Do you shoot rifles or pistol? I shoot rifle, pistol and shotgun. My favorite is pistol, I love going to the range and blasting a few targets with my Colt 45 government model. My second favorite is shooting clay pigeons (skeet) with my 12 ga. shotgun. (I get to do neither as much as I would like to smiley - sadface )

So what did you think of my page and how is your play coming? Are you going to have Holmes say something mean to Watson (like "Watson, those pants make you look fat.) and then have Watson run off the stage crying??? (It's just a thought)

Well let me get back to work.


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