Mind melted American

Once I had a mind. Now my mind has been melted. I came under the power of superior British intelligence and wit (in the form of one Yourenormity, member of the hg2whatever the heck it is. Well, what did you expect me to remember a serious of letters and numbers beyond three places long? My freakin' mind has been melted, sheesh!) Any way in order to respond to someone on this lovely little site, I had to register and now I am expected to write something and it is late, and I myself had a loooooooooong weekend in LA where further mind melting occured through extensive intake of a certain toxic substance known in some corners of the galaxy as alcohol. My advice about alcohol - don't make it a habit and only drink when you fly down to LA for the weekend (where it is a LAW to get drunk on a Friday night, then consume quantities of cheap mexican food before stumbling off to the local persian bar and nearly causing an international incident just because you wanted to buy some roses for a princess and her body guard had an uzi stuffed in his jacket (well maybe he didn't have an uzi his stuffed in his jacket but he certainly had something stuffed somewhere...) But I digress. Where was I? OH yes, water on the brain. Thanks alot Marquis, your trip to SF back in 97 was it? has left me a mere shadow of my former mentally giant self.
Cheerio and all that crap,
Ms. Danger


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at last! Jun 6, 2000 Jun 11, 2000


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Ms. Danger

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