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Socio-Anarchic Meritocracy
Posted Dec 13, 2005
A small revelation I had earlier today, perhaps a possibility for the small country of Sane (not a country so much as a state of mind, living in sane is a state much sought after)
Anarchy doesn't work because there is absoutely no basic for work, regulations or what the inhabitants may do. Therefor, it nearly invariably ends in the taking of power by militant groups, by force. Thus it becomes dictatorship/oligarchial/theocratic in nature.
However, with a socialist view on the matter, where those who live in the country contribute some of their efforts towards the country, its anarchic nature could be better controlled. All those opposed have no requirement to stay, but recieve no social acceptance in the community. The anarchic people could thus contribute their efforts towards small, self governed areas, grouping themselves in skill-based classes.
Meritocracy, initially a satirical political view would appear to be the most suitable in this situation. Each group, anarchic throughout the country could govern themselves by "electing" a leader based on specialist skills.
Such a country would be somewhat of a paradise, no matter how strange the belief. No firm rules would be required to be in place, as governing bodies would decide how to comport themselves. The immigration policies would have to be very strict, letting in only those who merit their existence in the country. Only those who can fully accept the country and its rules are welcome in sane
Veritable paradise indeed
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Latest reply: Dec 13, 2005
Modern Aevism
Posted Dec 5, 2005
As far as i know, it's not a real word, however it's as close as I can find to describe this particular phenomenon
I found myself in a drugstore with a couple of my friends the other day, bored as we were. So we began browsing, finding products amusing. Nothing illicit there, we were actually being fairly innocuous
And then appears the manager of the store, who asks us if we're buying anything. Well, we didnt know yet so, obviously we were to say no. She then, with a somewhat condescending look asked us to leave the store.
Now, this seems to be somewhat of a growing trend these days. Has no-one heard of Homo praesumitur bonus donec probetur malus (innocent until proven guilty). But, as was done to women, blacks and jews before us, the teenage population is suffering much generalized wariness, and somewhat segregation.
No look at the fact that those who now distrust us, were once also teenagers. They all must know that we can be good, but choose to ignore this fact. It's on par with racism, but as I said, would be classified Aevism (or Evism, my prefix might be slightly off).
How can we be expected to do good things, in a world like this? A world that automatically suspects us of being evil. Adults are more responsible, more trustworthy. No mention of the billions and billions of dollars yearly that ADULT thieves take, or the acts of arson, murder, fraud, ad infinitum.
Somethings gone terribly wrong in a society that so blatantly sees teenagers to be delinquents. The only reason some do rebel, is they see they're expected to.
We like to live up to expectations
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Latest reply: Dec 5, 2005
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