Journal Entries

It's Been A Long Time...

Hello All,

Just thought I'd put a journal entry up, inspired by the one's I read most days.

I am currently working on English Language Coursework (the first draft of which is to be handed in today before Half Term.) My coursework is all about the differences in language over time between Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management and Jamie Oliver's Return of the Naked Chef. Actually, this is my second choice in terms of project, as I had begun work on a TA based project but they didn't think that it was language based enough and so wouldn't fit the frameworks. smiley - sadface

Anyway, it's time I got writing again. So it's back to it...



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Latest reply: Feb 8, 2008

Clear Thoughts

I have just been discussing with a very good friend of mine the way to clear your mind so that you can get into the writing zone - he suggested that the best way to do this might be to write after enjoying a nice, relaxing bath! I think this is a very good idea - any other thoughts on how to free the mind would be most interesting. I missed my 20 minutes of writing last night so I need to do it tonight.

It's the concert tomorrow so we'll see how my voice holds up! I do hope so because I'm really looking forward to singing tomorrow night!



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Latest reply: Mar 27, 2006

A Sense of Place

Sometimes it is possibly to set a piece in a place to which you have never been or know very little about but this requires skill. One way to do this is to listen to local radio on the internet, someone only suggested this to me the other day but I think that it's an excellent idea.

An ordinary day really but I am still feeling really very rough with this cold - oh well, I have rehearsals for the concert tomorrow so that will cheer me up no end!


TWsmiley - erm

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Latest reply: Mar 26, 2006

Out of Character

Today's been very odd so far...

The best way perhaps to develop a character in a piece is to almost cross-examine them by writing down questions along with the answers so that you can get a good idea of what they are really like before you begin to write about them. Another tip is to write a character sketch which shows what they might do in a certain, often ordinary, situation e.g. going to the seaside.

Actually today I have been right out of character, feeling really cross about nothing in particular - it's a horrible feeling! I haven't done an awful lot, except for see my Dad this morning for our usual Saturday breakfast. My voice is still croaky so I hope that it will be OK for the concert on Tuesday!


TWsmiley - erm

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Latest reply: Mar 25, 2006

To Capture A Moment

Well, I am finding it surprisingly easy to continue to write for half an hour each day. I have now finished the History Coursework - hooray!

This therefore means that I have a few more minutes on my hands and so I have started to write a new short prose piece for a website. The short story is a definate art form which requires a lot of work, you must be able to tell a good story as well as have convincing and interesting characters in a few pages whereas a novel has a hundred or sometimes many more! This means that they best short stories are often pieces which capture a certain moment in someone's life, be it happy or sad, as my piece (hopefully) does!

I feel so tired this evening as today I have been rehearsing for the up-coming school concert in which I am singing a solo and am part of choir. I really enjoy being a member of the choir as they're all such nice people and make such a nice collective sound. This time I have been able to persaude them to do more showtunes! Yes!!! Write well, that's eight minutes out of the half an hour gone so I suppose that I'd better get on!



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Latest reply: Mar 24, 2006

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