This is the Message Centre for kabads


Post 21


Oh, we're signed up to the twins newsgroups and a mailing list - where we get to share and read experiences of other people with an interest in twins.

As for the age of my class, they're mostly 9-10 year olds. In fact, I've told them about this and they seem excited to get writing! I've set up an account for the school and we might start submitting entries soon.

I had my first entry "edited" today - go to the h2g2 page and where it says Fair Oak, that's mine!


Post 22


Hmmm...where did you find them?

That's cool! I wish my class(es) could. No, actually I don't, 'cos I wouldn't want some of them to be on this lovely site. Although I told three of my friends about it.

Oh wow!! Well done!! I'll go and read it if I have time. I just put all my school assignments up on h2g2...

Going back to hypnotism, my Dad was reading this over my shoulder, and he says if hypnotism is virtually non-existent, how do people manage to ignore pain when they're "hypnotised"?


Post 23


the thing about not feeling pain is also put down to other techniques which reduce pain - focusing on other things (ie. distraction) and relaxation techniques. All of these reduce brain activity, which in turn reduces synaptic (i.e. brain nerves) responses to pain. It can be done without hypnosis as well. People have undergone surgery without pain relief and without hypnosis, solely relying on relaxation techniques. Well done to your dad for raising the point though.

Why wouldn't you want other people at school looking on here? I think the more the merrier.

If the hypnosis thread continues, perhaps we ought to put it in a thread called hypnosis, so that people can search for it. Just a suggestion.


Post 24


Nah but some are horrible. smiley - sadface Has your class got an account yet? If so, what's the number, I want to go and welcome you!! smiley - smiley

Okay...fair enough...


Post 25


Yep, our school does have a project account - I was written to by one the the h2g2 staff saying that organisations aren't allowed pages or space (BBC are worried about pressure groups starting on here). The guy said that we clearly was not a pressure group, but we would have to change the title of our page to Project, rather than just the school name.

Anyway, here it is. U171800

Thanks, although the children haven't written anything yet.


Post 26


Have they written an intro? Without one I can't welcome you.

Actually, I'll go and see.

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