This is the Message Centre for kabads

Hello from the self-appointed welcome committee

Post 1


Hello! Wouldn't you be impressed if I was one of the Editors or Aces or whatever. Well, I'm not - just browsing by. Now you have to come and do the same for me because otherwise nobody ever will.

Good luck on your twins!!

Hello from the self-appointed welcome committee

Post 2

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

I'm an ACE myself, but I'm sure this will be suitably unimpressive... smiley - winkeye

Welcome to the Guide! I am an ACE, as someone mentioned somewhere... can't recall just who it was at the time, but no matter.. which stands for Assistant Community Editor. As such, I assist the community... the editor thing is just an affectation... after all, AC is a pretty lame acronym... doesn't roll off the tongue. Alright, someone has been going off on a tangent long enough... we're not naming any names, now, but this is not the sort of thing we're going to tolerate (we being me and, uhh, someone else). smiley - winkeye

Anyway, here's a couple of links that should help you fine looking people (is that REAL sharkskin?) make sense of this mess:

The ACE homepage has lots of useful links for the new researcher:

The Guide to H2G2 Clubs can help you find new friends in a hurry:

Enjoy your time here, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask. Welcome once again. smiley - smiley

Hello from the self-appointed welcome committee

Post 3


Thanks for the reply - I thought that this community would be pretty slow going - but you surprised me! Thanks for the good wisher
how can I find out your home page on h2g2?

Hello from the self-appointed welcome committee

Post 4

Blatherskite the Mugwump - Bandwidth Bandit

Nothing could be simpler... the link is provided with her user name, at the top of her posting. Just click on her name. smiley - smiley

Hello from the self-appointed welcome committee

Post 5

Princess Bride

Welcome to Ad and Trees! I hope your twins are doing fine and good luck for August! I hope you are enjoying h2g2, and it's nice to meet you! smiley - smiley

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