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Happy birthday...
kabads Posted Aug 3, 2001
Thank you very much! That was a nice surprise and I never realised that you knew their birthday.
It has actually been an exhausting day - we had 13 babies (3 sets of twins!) at the party and about 9 adults! Tired! Phew!
Happy birthday...
. Posted Aug 5, 2001
You told me it was in August and when I went to your page it said "August 3rd" which is when I was posting
3 sets of twins !
Happy birthday...
kabads Posted Aug 5, 2001
It was so hectic I had to spend most of the time out in the garden!
Isaac and Joe have a cousin called Eden, and it's his birthday today! Teresa and her sister were expecting together and gave birth within 2 days of each other!
We're going to Eden's party today.
Bye for now
Happy birthday...
kabads Posted Aug 16, 2001
Hi Niwt - sorry I've been away.
I thought that the Diana entry would be a bit sensitive for the BBC to deal with. Perhaps not.
As for the twin entry, I've made you a co-researcher on this - again, sorry it took me so long to get round to it. Been busy doing holiday stuff. Going away to Cornwall next week - should be nice.
Bye for now
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Happy birthday...
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