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kabads Posted Aug 30, 2003
The boys are great - they started play school a few months ago - they're chatting away with lots of language and words - in fact they're playing together right outside my door right now.
As for the anarchy here, I don't feel it myself. The BBC want to control it too much ensuring that they maintain their squeaky clean image. I also felt that this was a little too big for me - I did make a few friends here, but noone ever seemed to stay for very long (I mean over a year), whereas on the wiki, I keep bumping in to the same people. Wiki is so simple as well, but with this, it is a real pain having to learn the markup language. In the wiki, you can just write and leave the markup to someone else if you want, which is a real team effort. I like the way that people randomly stumble across my entries and then adapt them. It's cool that people also take an interest in what you write.
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Elephants? Or Just Niwt? Posted Sep 3, 2003
Do you know if they're identical or not yet?
With Wikipedia, you can write an entry even if you're not logged in. Once I accidentally wrote something like "lkajl;asdf;" about a topic. They got rid of it eventually, but it stayed for quite a while.
The Zaphodistas were quite anarchic, although most of their demands have been met now. There's not really much to be anarchic () about at the moment.
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kabads Posted Sep 4, 2003
We are beginning to think that the twins are identical, purely because they are looking more and more alike. Sometimes, we can really catch them making the same facial expression and it is uncanny how similar they are.
I never really got into the Zaphodistas - I did see them, but I really didn't understand what it was all about - must have been my age.
What were their demands? Were they controversial?
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