This is the Message Centre for michaeldetroit

Quiet Word

Post 1


Hi md

I thought it was time I dropped in on your Space, partly to avoid going off-topic in a review thread, mainly because we seem to be on round about the same wavelength.

Thanks for the tips about 'Love' and 'SENSE'. To be truthful, I'd already dipped into 'Love' without reading it properly. It's chastening what you can miss like that. (I've been getting it wrong of late, arguing when I could have been reading. There's too much unreasonable reason in h2g2 sometimes, from people with sharp minds and blunt lives. Still, less of that talk)

Good Entries, both of those by human. 'Love' is a lot easier to appreciate; 'SENSE' is really quite disturbing. I sometimes get a feeling from hootoo Entries that I'm glimpsing a life unimaginably more difficult than my own, and this is one of those times.

You can only convey friendship and see where it leads.

Quiet Word

Post 2


Hi Pin!

I'm glad you stopped by.

I'm also very grateful to you for leaving the young writer of "Love" an encouraging note. I'm not sure exactly what I see there, other than a 'human' who is obviously bright, thoughtful and sincerely interested in learning to write. To me, that's just an irresistable combination!

Anyway, thanks, Pin. It was generous of you. smiley - cheers

Yes, I agree we're on the same wavelength about lots of issues swirling about H2G2 these days. (And quite a swirling whirl it is!) I've tried to stay on the edge of the vortex, tossing in a criticism or 'knuckle rap' here and there, but more often trying to nudge the track of this thread or that into a more positive/productive direction.

Needless to say, my success has been limited, but I have taken heart in when some of my attempts at 'positive redirection' have had effects that only surfaced many, many posts after they appeared.

My deepest hope is that none of the inane arguments, self-centered denial or childish sarcasm - or, in some cases, near-open hostility - result in the driving away of people I've come to truly like and respect (you, Waz, Jodan, et al). That would be a real tragedy.

As you say, though, we can 'only convey friendship and see where it leads.'

Nice to 'chat' with you again. We really must do this more often! smiley - winkeye

Be well, my friend.

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