Journal Entries
"We feel so European!"
Posted Jul 3, 2000
The other night a friend and l got lost trying to find a club where someone we used to know from school, whom we thought was dead, actually, due to a nasty and malingering heroin habit (alleged)was to play electric bass, at which he is more than completely incredible. Anyway. We got lost, needless to say, and wound up in the back streets of the city of Annapolis, circling dementedly on a roundabout (which as a rule we don't have in Amerika)because neither of us knew how to behave at a roundabout, and how to drive when faced with one, circling endlessly laughing and proclaiming, "l feel so European!"
Which she is, but l'm not. lt's fun to hear people argue in lcelandic on pay phones.
Which we did later, calling our pedophile friend's voicemail at one thirty in the morning, counting "one, two, three..." under our breath, and then singing "We've beeeen driiiin-kiiing!" into the reciever, which we hadn't been, but you couldn't tell that.
And we saw Justin play, and he was naturally incredible, even though he wasn't wearing a dress this time. He doesn't so much play the bass as let himself be played by the bass...
And then there was an incident involving several questionable pictures taken in an abandonned church parking lot, birthday candles, snack foods, apparent prostitution, and a dropped cigarrete lighter.
And a cop car.
But no sangria this time.
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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2000
"We feel so European!"
Posted Jul 3, 2000
The other night a friend and l got lost trying to find a club where someone we used to know from school, whom we thought was dead, actually, due to a nasty and malingering heroin habit (alleged) play electric bass, at which he is more than completely incredible. Anyway. We got lost, needless to say, and wound up in the back streets of the city of Annapolis, circling dementedly on a roundabout (which as a rule we don't have in Amerika)because neither of us knew how to behave at a roundabout, and how to drive when faced with one, circling endlessly laughing and proclaiming, "l feel so European!"
Which she is, but l'm not. lt's fun to hear people argue in lcelandic on pay phones.
Which we did later, calling our pedophile friend's voicemail at one thirty in the morning, counting "one, two, three..." under our breath, and then singing "We've beeeen driiiin-kiiing!" into the reciever, which we hadn't been, but you couldn't tell that.
And we saw Justin play, and he was naturally incredible, even though he wasn't wearing a dress this time. He doesn't so much play the bass as let himself be played by the bass...
And then there was an incident involving several questionable pictures taken in an abandonned church parking lot, birthday candles, snack foods, apparent prostitution, and a dropped cigarrete lighter.
And a cop car.
But no sangria this time.
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Latest reply: Jul 3, 2000
Posted Jun 11, 2000
Over the past few days l have been, on and off, engaged in having a nervous breakdown of sorts.
l'm not sure, but l think it has been caused by REM's Up album.
The entirety of it, really, but specifically "Hope" and "Walk Unafraid."
Thoughts/comments/recommendations of a good antianxiety 'em below. l'll be here. Probably curled in the fetal position, huddling on the floor, again, wrapped in an afghan...
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Latest reply: Jun 11, 2000
A victim of (pomp and) circumstance.
Posted Jun 5, 2000
So Graduation was yesterday. Huzzah. Now l have a useless slip of paper tucked in a faux-leather, embossed binder to complement my useless four years' High School education. l think l've already started blocking out the bulk of the experience, but l do remember that quite a few of the graduates' parents came bearing airhorns, which they tooted constantly and, not handling loud noises well, my exaggerated-startle-response got quite a workout. Oh, and there were beach balls being tossed about, a lot. The Assistant Principal got bopped in the nose with one, as she tried to confiscate it.
Then what? Oh, they wouldn't let us throw our caps in the air. We all participated in the "Changing of The Tassel" ceremony, though. Thus l enter adulthood.
Couldn't we just be like native tribesmen of yore, and have ourselves tied to anthills until we kill a Greater Tusked Seaotter, or something? lt'd be a whole lot less painful than enduring that many Motivational Keynote Speakers. l tried to understand them, and take in their probably-very-self-esteem-boosting words of wisdom, but after puzzling over the meaning of the phrase "competing for happiness", my brain hurt too much.
Anyway. l guess this means my life has to, like, have a purpose now, or something.
But will l get out of this chair in which l am currently sprawled, and do something about that fact, becoming Empowered and Motivated?
Not as long as l've the alternative of playing with The Random Bar Joke Generator (, l won't....
l don't care if they say it's random. l know it has a pattern. l know it. And that pattern must be found.
Heh. lsn't this how that mathemetician in "Pi" started out?
Schitzophrenia ahoy...
Oh, wait.
Well. More florid manifestations of schitzophrenia, ahoy!
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Latest reply: Jun 5, 2000
On resembling a leopard.
Posted Jun 3, 2000
Alack. My shins are all a-bruise.
See, this weekend, well, last weekend, was the annual bacchanal known as the HFStival, put on by some radio station or other, locally (the Washington DC area), and the basic idea of this event is a brilliant one, which is this:
"Let's take a slew of drunk/stoned/high/irrepresibly violent individuals and see how many of them we can cram into an outdoor football stadium! Maybe some of them will be chicks! Maybe they'll show us their breasts!"
So they do, and make them drunker/more stoned/higher, and have lots (this year, twenty nine) alternative "modern rock" bands (Third Eye Blind -- the bassist of which got hit upside the head by a sneaker thrown from the crowd-- Stone Temple Pilots, Rage Against The Machine, and others) play loud music at them, live, to make them even less repressed, where violence is concerned, and some strange fragment of my being decided it would be A Good Thing To Attend.
So l spent Sunday with eighty-six thousand other individuals, in the rain, in a stadium, rocking out with my bad self, yelling and jumping and getting hit on a lot.
lt was fun.
l think.
lt's hard to remember.
l do remember there was a lot of pot smoke. l did an awful lot of crowd-surfing, and l got very wet in the thunderous rain downpour, and l must've gotten kicked or slammed a whole lot in the pit, 'cause my legs are now covered with nineteen very respectable-looking bruises, which are currently mellowing to the yellowish-purple-green stage. 'S charming.
And yes, I showed everyone my breasts.
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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2000
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Odradek (she who lurks, green Lifesaver-like)
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