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Observations on hot weather

Hot weather is good. But not when you are wearing a suit and bow tie and sitting in a room with 200 similarly dressed people for 3 hours.

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Latest reply: Jun 17, 2000


Being at university, contrary to popular belief, teaches you a lot about the real world. In particular, it teaches you how to avoid doing work at all costs. In the last three years, I have developed such essential life skills as procrastination and the ever useful 'if you leave it long enough, someone else will do it' methodology.

The downside to this is that I have learnt almost no maths or computation (my chosen subjects) and indeed have forgotten much that I learnt at A Level. This has not been a problem up till now but I have 24 hours worth of exams in the next 10 days and I am regretting my lazyness over the past terms.

Oh well. I have no one to blame but myself.

I must go and work now.

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Latest reply: Jun 3, 2000

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