This is the Message Centre for Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 1


smiley - ok

looks as though Eccsy's going to have to keep her tongue in cheek a little longer - the baited hook caught summat smiley - winkeye.

Eccsy hopes she didn't offend you in any way - she was quoting the (deliciously ridiculous) "party line".

smiley - kiss

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 2

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I'm not offended but decided to duck out of TFFFF before I offended anyone else! I might have lied a little though - I haven't unsubbed yet (server problems when I tried earlier. Ahem). I get the feeling that a certain HooTooer doesn't get the idea of harmless, smutty humourous banter.*

I do wonder if the 'Glory holes in confession booths' angle might have been a bit too far!

*I don't mean Pattern Chaser - seems nice enough but we're never going to agree.smiley - biggrin

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 3


I thought it was the fundamentalist drivel that had upset her. You mean it was the smut?
(Unfortunately a nice reasonable modern Catholic has just joined in smiley - sigh. I was rather looking forward to some more devil's advocacy smiley - evilgrin)

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 4

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Now you come to mention it I think she might have subconsciously blocked the smut...

I noticed the catholic. Wrong though it might be, I just want to be able to treat faith with the derision it deserves *without* having to explain myself. There's no explanation necessary.smiley - biggrin

Atheism as faith: is not believing in, say, Father Christmas an act of faith? Pah. Piffle. Balderdash. Honestly, what can you do with these people?

smiley - grr

smiley - yikesI seem to have tripped over my soapbox!

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 5


I believe in Father Christmas. He's lying beside me, trying to sleep. smiley - biggrin

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 6

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

You're HooTooing in bed with Father Christmas next to you? Shame on you. The poor bloke's probably still knackered from Christmas you know!

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 7


He's even more knackered now smiley - evilgrin

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 8



Since ALL Catholics are allowed to eat Beaver during Lent does that mean the Vatican condones lesbianism?

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 9

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

I just read that in the thread I've unsubbed from.smiley - winkeye I've been watching loads of Weebl & Bob for the last hour or so - my head was in the right space when I clicked on 'Ranting' and saw 'Pope allowed to eat beaver'. I laughed quite violently.smiley - applause

All catholics are lesbians. Even the blokes. That is my new belief and I'm sticking to it. Any attempt to dispute it will be an infringement of my right to believe stoopid stuff.

'That Morten Harket..'

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 10


Weebl & Bob?????

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 11


Anything to do with smiley - musicalnote "you don't need pants for a victory dance" smiley - musicalnote ?

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 12

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

Weebl & Bob. Very funny, in a drunken conversation set to animation kinda' way.

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 13


smiley - ta

Hey, I'm in Brunel and Firefox too!

Post 14

Primeval Mudd (formerly Roymondo)

smiley - ok I recommend 'Goths', 'Paper' and 'History pt8'.

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