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The importance of beeing you

Post 1


What is it that makes us so insanely focused on beeing individuals, that it becomes a joke? I mean - everybody wants to bee somone special, but most people just blend into the crowd trying. The more they try - the more they dissapear...

The importance of beeing you

Post 2


Welcome to H2G2!.......The importance of blending in. You can make a lot of difference without making a lot of difference!(Did that make sense?....well, it did to me, but what can I say....I'm Fairly Strange!LOL)

If you have any questions or need anything, just ask in here. If I can't help, I'll find you someone who can!

In the meantime, go exploring in here! I think you'll be intrigued by the variation of subject and personality! There is no place else like this on the "net"....."Share and Enjoy!"

smiley - fishNM

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The importance of beeing you

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