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Daydream Journal

Post 201

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - rofl No. The internet has Pastey. smiley - whistle

You are way more learned than you think, MVP, with your excellent suggestion about Greek tragedy and psychological states such as PTSD.

If I had those people as relatives, I'd have PTSD, too. smiley - groan

A couple of years ago, some very serious US actors took a Greek tragedy on tour at military bases, and got a big response. I forget the name of the play, but it dealt with an ancient war, and is the first drama to deal with, in fact, PTSD.

Soldiers all over the country responded positively to the play, and the big brass thanked the actors for helping with the healing process.

Daydream Journal

Post 202


Isn't that interesting? It only goes to show that, despite our technological whizzadry, we're still the same emotionally as the ancients.

Daydream Journal

Post 203

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

It does, indeed. smiley - laugh

Daydream Journal

Post 204


Wow. Fascinating. PTSD. Greek tragedy. The furies. Theatre. Healing. That's it!! These worlds are in my soul. I understand these things. Healing! That's the word I needed. Healing. Hmm. This really is so interesting, thanks all for your insights,I really do appreciate it.

Ghosts in the web. I love it. Sorry spider, smiley - spider, not the gothic attic with all the spiders webs. Actually, I had this strange daydream once about a cyberghost, but it spooked me so much I can't even tell it. smiley - rofl.

And then there's The Ghost of Bellevue Park. Whoah, now you started me off. I joined the conversation over on the AWW. Good to be back in the AWW. In fact I've gone on so much in that conversation, I've run out of time, lucky you, I have to go. I will return though, to .. erm .. haunt you. hahah.

Daydream Journal

Post 205

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

You forgot the 'bwa...' smiley - rofl Or 'mwa...' smiley - run

Daydream Journal

Post 206


mwaaaaah smiley - ghost

mwaaaaah smiley - ghost

smiley - rofl Thanks prompter. smiley - rofl.

I always forget my lines. smiley - rofl I think I just failed the Ghost audition. smiley - rofl That would be a funny story, the ghost who forgot it own spooklines.

smiley - biro

I'm so gutted that Andy Williams just died. I loved Andy Williams. I used to listen to him when I was a teenager, like teenagers do .. or don't. smiley - rofl. RIP Andy Williams smiley - rose

smiley - biro

Daydream Journal

Post 207


(Lying in tent, sipping slow gin, smiley - stiffdrink on interdimensional camping trip. Nice feast of beans we just had, with added herbs and charcoal fragments. smiley - rofl. My friends are experts in paleo-cookery. We made a fire. Clever to make that fire, from sparks of cosmic energy alone).

I've gone all deep. Not sure what dimension we are in right now, but it feels fine to me. All the stories and Hallowe'en talk and things are so special.

I think .... (looks over shoulder, I am about to say something a bit flaky) .... I think there might be a place within me that I would describe as a healing dimension, kind of like the cosmic spa of the soul, where I relax a bit, and don't fear the journey ahead. hmm.

I always planned to read excerpts from T.S Eliot's Burnt Norton (from the Four Quartets) at my father's funeral, but I didn't when the time came because there was so many other readings and things to say.

Anyway, he used to read this poem to me, and I just remembered 'the still point of the turning world' that T.S Eliot speaks of.

Wish I'd said it like that. smiley - rofl. Bit more poetic than the cosmic spa of the soul. smiley - rofl.

So, I've been thinking about all the journeys, all the interdimensional journeys of life, and I'm trying to express it, and hopefully take time out in the stillness of the cosmic spa. smiley - rofl.

I'm intending to try to make a work in progress Guide Entry, but right now I only got as far as a couple of fragments ....

... I have walked a thousand pathways through gardens of falling petals, hearing each petal as a fragment of your scented song.

... I have laid a wreath of cornflowers in the place where chaos went crazy one day, and wrapped itself in barbed wire ....

That second one is weird, but this piece could get a little cryptic ...

smiley - stiffdrink

Ahhh, I like this camping trip, time to dream all kinds of interdimensional daydreams. (looks up at stars) smiley - starsmiley - star

Daydream Journal

Post 208


I keep daydreaming about camping in the bronze age (not a fixed point in time smiley - winkeye)

would anyone consider it?

not for Samhain, next Spring maybe?

Daydream Journal

Post 209


smiley - erm if camping isn't for you, or you would prefer not to meet irl for whatever reason, no worries, I just thought as I keep thinking about it I would throw it out there as a suggestion

smiley - hug and smiley - stiffdrink

Daydream Journal

Post 210


Oh, real live camping!! What a cool idea smiley - cool. A hootoo camping trip. heheh. Beware coos!

I would love to meet you IRL. (I just learned that phrase, IRL. Are you impressed? smiley - rofl)

I've never been to a hootoo meet before, too shy awwww blush blush, although I am very sociable also, bring your earplugs haha smiley - rofl.

I have met a couple of researchers privately and it's so great to meet.

If there was a London-area meet happening at some time, I'd be interested, provided I could meet up with a couple of others first, so I don't have to walk into a crowded pub alone, smile geekily and trip over a chair, or an esuom smiley. smiley - esuomsmiley - rofl.

I know that meets happen upcountry, Manchester etc, but the travelling is difficult for me to get to these.

Apparently I appear surprisingly normal in real life, quite boring really, not at all the mad poet. smiley - rofl. (until I start singing my daydreams smiley - rofl. smiley - run

smiley - wahMy actual camping days are over, though, sleeping in a tent isn't good for my smiley - senior joints which are aching a bit these days.

I could arrange a B/B nearby, and charge you all for my hot shower. hahahah. Depends what part of the country you are in.

Great plan! Dust off those tents, all ye hootooers. smiley - rofl. smiley - kiss

smiley - biro

Now, back to my obscure piece of interdimensional travel writing, which keeps shapeshifting, winking at me, and asking me questions in twenty seven peculiar textures.

Daydream Journal

Post 211


oof, could be an awkward social moment coming up

being open and honest now, socially I would something on the scale of an official meet a bit daunting

I posted here because I feel bonded to people on this thread and the more I thought about the more I thought I'd really like to meet you smiley - kiss

then I startd thinking of things we could do, conjure ghosts, make offerings (kind of geo caching elements from this thread), eat baked beans, drink sloe gin, have a stone age barbeque,hmmm smiley - bigeyes

I not saying that I want it to be exclusive or put a limit on numbers because I am happy with the idea that others might like to come along but I had kind of thought it would be a more organic thing than a site wide invitation smiley - erm *looks awkward*

Daydream Journal

Post 212


heheh. Oh, I see. smiley - rofl. Well, I don't think there would be a queue for a hootoo camping trip anyway. smiley - rofl

I'll offer compensation to the disappointed campers ...

Like .... Camping's off, folks, now where's the pub. smiley - runsmiley - alesmiley - run

I think I would like to go to a London meet, so I'm glad we talked about the subject, anyway.

And we could meet anyway, except I don't give out my email address online, not advisable, but there must be a way to arrange.....

Let's work on it.

Shooby dooby!

Daydream Journal

Post 213


well, there are pub campsites that is an option, maybe the pub would do b+b, be conveniently on a leyline, in a village with a cracking churchyard (and church) and near a archaeological site but not close to a river smiley - bigeyes

I don't want to make heavy weather of this, it is and was meant, as an open invitation but I was thinking along the lines a bit less offical than 'official meet', front page announcement

and I felt really shy putting it out there to mull over smiley - blush

I am with you about putting email address online,I have thought about that as well, and yes,I'm sure we could arrange smiley - biggrin

Daydream Journal

Post 214

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

Peanut, lots of h2g2ers meet in twos and threes, nothing official.

And sometimes, they send smiley - thepost a pic or a short description of things they did, beer they drank, coos they frightened...

Just sayin'. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 215


or coos they were frightened by smiley - laugh

and I'm not sure how I would deal with anything angel-like in a dark churchyard right now smiley - yikes

thank you Dmitri for the reassurance smiley - hug

I was wondering what sort of smiley - thepost reports you might get, less smiley - ale maybe, more spirits smiley - stiffdrink and smiley - ghost

Daydream Journal

Post 216

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

smiley - biggrin We LOVE that sort of thing. h2g2ers set the tone, you know?

That Irish lot is always getting muddy and annoying re-enactors. The English explore inner (pub) space. Willem's out in the wilds of South Africa, while Rod finds the most surprising things in New Zealand...and Bel's even been to Turkey. Wow.

Daydream Journal

Post 217


yay!! Sounds so great, can't wait to meet and commune with deep soul things. Ahhhh Glastonbury. Do you live anywhere near Somerset, Peanut?? That's what we need, a place with a nice country pub with B/B for smiley - seniors like me, plus camping for the hardy. I am sure we can find a magic place and write an extremely inspired piece for smiley - thepost. smiley - rofl.So, I wonder how we arrange it, without the entire cyberworld knowing everything. Perhaps the Ed can help us with this matter.

Daydream Journal

Post 218

Dmitri Gheorgheni, Post Editor

I know two ways:

1. You can post an email address you're willing to share, but not use the correct format. Such as: postteamhg-at-gmail-dot-com. That way, no bots pick it up.

2. BUT, if you want to be even more private, you could write to MY email addreess, which is dmitrigheorgheni42-at-yahoo-dot-co-dot-uk, and tell me, as a private citizen, 'Dmitri, please give this email address to CC'. smiley - winkeye Which I will do. smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 219


smiley - rofl as it happens I don't live far from Glastonbury smiley - winkeye

Daydream Journal

Post 220


Ahhh great plan, Peanut

(sitting beside a fire in a country pub somewhere, with notebook, maybe a labrador? smiley - huh I have no dog, but the pub does smiley - rofl a glass of ginger wine and great company, trying to write a piece for smiley - thepost)

Hold on, we're not there yet! smiley - rofl...... I am ...... I'm in the healing dimension of imagination ...

OK, The Journey As Seen Through the Kaleidoscopic Perspective of .. erm .. me

Uh oh .... smiley - rofl.....

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