Journal Entries

He's back!

I just decided that it was about time that I updated this, and then realised that I couldn't remember my password - oops! Still, got it eventually but not before creating a whole new registration (that'll probably not be used now!)

Anyway, when will I next visit I wonder?

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Latest reply: Feb 12, 2003


Yeah, OK, so I haven't updated the page since I set it up ... so?

Anyway, since no-one ever replies to anything that I look at I'm beginning to think that this is a great big conspiracy to make me give away secrets ... or something!

Peace ... n'that.

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Latest reply: Jul 6, 2000

Large Fonts

I've got this stonking big 21" monitor at my place of (alleged) work, it's got a nice flat screen and what can only be descibed as an udder-nipple thing for changing all the settings.

I've got it cranked right up to 1920x1440x32-bit -- this of course means that in order to read anything I have to set Windoze up to work with "Large Fonts".

Nothing looks good in large fonts, 'specially h2g2, none of the headers and boxes and stuff look right.

*Kirst says hello*

Anyway -- that's the rambling for today.

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Latest reply: May 29, 2000

Oh my! A test!

Oh lookey here, a test message ... how original!

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Latest reply: May 28, 2000

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