This is the Message Centre for SisterAct2 Bigger Bolder Bloodier

ACE's Welcome.

Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Welcome to the wonderful world of H2G2 or hootoo as it is affectionately known. I am your Ace (Assistant Community Editor) and am here to help you.

First things first smiley - dontpanic Take a little time to look around, This is a good starter page A28749630 .

Maybe read <./>FrontPage</.>. Or have a look at <./>ThePost</.> hootoo's very own newspaper. There is also the <./>UnderGuide</.>. These are all things you can get involved in, just make sure to read the Writing-Guidelines

Before you rush off make sure to read the <./>HouseRules</.>.

Why not tell everyone here a little bit about yourself by writing an introduction. To do this find the 'Edit Page' button on your Personal Space (The page you go to when you use the 'My Space' link) and tell us about yourself in the box provided.

Anyway, that should be enough to get you started. If you have any more questions just post a reply to this message by using the 'reply' button. You can return to your own page at any time by using the 'My Space' link.

minismiley - mouse

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