Intro number 2

Well now, this would be introduction number two. so lets start again. The name is Roddy. The place is Ayrshie, Scotland. The family is big: four sisters, one and a half brothers in law, two nephews, oh, and some parent type things.
I am for want of a better word an artist, or at least, an art student. Scum of the earth and all that. I never have money and will gladly take any food you offer me. I live in my room or at my friends flat, much, I suspect, to the annoyence of the lease holder flat mate. My life is full of drunken incidents, fighting and throwing up. every now and again, I paint a picture. As you can see, men don't want to be me, and women don't want to be near me.
All I have left is, well, a whole host of friends and the deamon drink, The possibilty of a finely paid job and lots of other great stuff that no one else will be able to do. maybe there is a man who wants to be me after all. Me, I think.


P.S. no one will read this anyway, so whats the point? incidently, I ment this section to go on and on and ramble about nothing. i feel it provides and accurate portrayal of me.


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Purple Roddy

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