This is the Message Centre for Martin Harper


Post 1


Are you still running on BST? smiley - fairy


Post 2

Martin Harper

feels like it... smiley - winkeye


Post 3


yeah I am on 1999 time myself smiley - smiley


Post 4

Martin Harper

I guess that means you'll be able to celebrate both normal and pedants millenium in a month and a halfs time, though... smiley - smiley


Post 5

Hopelessly Paranoid

I am that pedant :P Its the REAL millenium for god's sake... get it right! Anyway, I'm just here to bug Lucinda about how frantically exciting your (dice)life sounds... seeing the book in the shops a few years ago got me started on the subject (though I still haven't rolled that six that means 'buy the book' smiley - winkeye ). Then the ROlling ROck ad campaign... blah blah... Anyway, thats all I have to say about that...



Post 6

Martin Harper

Have you seen the 'book of the die' that came out this autumn? That's also worth assigning an option... smiley - winkeye

Glad to meet a fellow dicer - however virtually. smiley - biggrin But I think you have overestimated how exciting my (dice)life is - I still have to pay my taxes... *sigh*


Post 7

Hopelessly Paranoid

1-3: pay tax as usual
4-5: pay a little extra tax... because the government really DOES need the money... smiley - winkeye
6: Don't pay tax, emmigrate!!

I said it sounded exciting... sounding isn't really a good basis for comparison... my mother sounds like a broken foghorn... but she's not nearly as useful :P

Anyway, I'm technically not a dicer, just a dicegroupie... I like the idea... maybe it'll spice up my life... and maybe I'm allergic to spice... who knows? smiley - smiley



Post 8

Martin Harper

Well it's better than:
1-6: grumble and pay tax grudgingly.

Surely a broken foghorn is no use at all?


Post 9

Hopelessly Paranoid

I always try to look at things from a different perspective

I mean, is the foghorn half broken, or half fixed?


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