This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!


Post 21

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I nearly fainted when my kids wanted to use my grammophone for dj'ing smiley - yikes

We are talking about a state of the art grammophone built long before scratching and the like was even thought of!

Most of my vinyls are still in mint condition so I don't have problems with hissing, crackling or the like smiley - tongueout

Not even when I play "Music inspired by The Snow Goose" smiley - whistle

smiley - pirate


Post 22

Sho - employed again!

My mum always told me (because we usually recorded our LPs to cassette so we could take them to school) to record on the 2nd playing so that the groove would be cleaned by the first.

A lot of our records have scratches and crackles, but I've always been a "groove along to" or "sing along to" type of person. Not for me the room with the chair placed just-so to get optimal listening pleasure. But each to his own.

As for music... I can see soem Rick Wakeman coming up. In particular that Henry VIII one. I may have to pretend the PC is broken...


Post 23


Pierce said "This could go on to become the longest and most heated thread ever" As you're talking about prog perhaps that should be go on to the the longest, technically exact thread with each poster trying to outdo the others with more impressive feats of twiddlyness solo nostalgia.

Was never really into prog a bit too young I guess, though I would have liked to see JMJ at Docklands (probably still got a tape in a box, recorded from the radio of that). I did see him at Maine Road and once on an indoor tour.

Sho have you found out about the BBC 6 music radio show Start Maconie's Freak Zone - - all sorts of prog, jazz, psychedelia, electronic, weird folk music.


Post 24

There is only one thing worse than being Gosho, and that is not being Gosho

Impressive feats of twiddlyness solo nostalgia smiley - rofl

Yeah, that pretty much sums up prog smiley - biggrin


Post 25

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Call it what you want, I still like King Crimson, Moody Blues, Pink Floyd - not necessarily in that order smiley - biggrin

Just listened to Donovan in Concert today smiley - laugh

smiley - pirate


Post 26

Sho - employed again!

*waves to Phil*

I'll have to see if i can listen to that show via the internet.

Ah, King Crimson. Fantastic. I'm also looking forward to getting to Yes. I've already done Jon & Vangelis because The Friends of Mr Cairo is absolutely sublime. Pink Floyd - they are one of the bands that I went against my Yorkshire instincts and got them on CD.

Not sure about Live Donovan though. On the other hand, I have just done a load of T-rex.


Post 27

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Unlike most of the people I know I prefer "Wish you were here" to "Dark side of the smiley - moon"

It is still outstanding after all these years

smiley - pirate


Post 28

Sho - employed again!

My favourite Floyd track is on Dark side of the moon (Great Gig in the Sky) but on the whole I prefer Wish You Were Here. It's a close run thing though. I also really really like A Momentary Lapse of Reason which is too modern for a lot of Floyd Fans (and without the Roger Waters input). But The Division Bell should be airlocked...


Post 29


And here was I, thinking that "Great Hopes" (or was it "Great Expectations"?) on "Division Bell" was a rather great song. Oh... "High Hopes" it was. But what do I know.

Here, I'll go back to Tangerine Dream. The first track on the Poland album, which, incidentally, is called "Poland" - that is a great piece of music.



Post 30

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

I think Roger Waters did better without Pink Floyd than Pink Floyd did without Roger Waters, but I like The Division Bell anyway

And let's not forget that Douglas Adams helped Pink Floyd with that smiley - winkeye

Poland? Try Holland with The Beach Boys smiley - ok

smiley - pirate


Post 31

Sho - employed again!

I never really followed Roger Waters by that time I was more into Dire Straits...


Post 32

Pierre de la Mer ~ sometimes slightly worried but never panicking ~

Ah yes. What a spectacular debut album! Not many albums have had such an impact on me. Santana's first springs to mind, though

smiley - pirate


Post 33

Gnomon - time to move on

"Dawn of light lying between a silence and sold sources
Chased amid fusions of wonder"


Post 34

Sho - employed again!

now I want to go skipping around like a fairy... actually they're touring in the States at the moment supporting Peter Frampton - if they come over here I can imagine that I'll take the Gruesomes to see them.


Post 35

Gnomon - time to move on

I saw Yes in a small venue in Dublin last November. It was a great concert and it brought home to me really what a weird bunch they are.


Post 36

Gnomon - time to move on

To save you having to digitise your old Yes albums, do you want me to send you copies of my CDs? Of course, I'll only send you ones you've already got on vinyl, to avoid piracy.smiley - pirate


Post 37

Sho - employed again!

OOOOOooooooooo now that's an offer I deffo would not refuse. Actually I only have a couple but I think they are scratched to death. I will come back to you.
(and I only really got "into" Yes through Jon & Vangelis, who I discoveed via my mum and my uncle who loved Aphrodite's Child)

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