This is the Message Centre for Sho - employed again!

~drool~ thread

Post 9941

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Ooh, yum, that's really cool

~drool~ thread

Post 9942

Sho - employed again!

smiley - smiley

~drool~ thread

Post 9943

dragonqueen - eternally free and forever untamed - insomniac extraordinaire - proprietrix of a bullwhip, badger button and (partly) of a thoroughly used sub with a purple collar. Matron of Honour.

Not that bad...

I got season 1, 2 and 3 of SG-1 today. 48 hrs of serious smiley - drooling... Just have to get the Queen Mum and dragonprincess out of the house first...

smiley - dragon

~drool~ thread

Post 9944

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Offer to pay for lunch, it works for me I can bribe my daughter into anything with lunch

~drool~ thread

Post 9945

Sho - employed again!

in our house we'd all willingly, and without a break, watch the first 3 seasons of SG-1 without a murmer. We'd watch 4 and 5 too, and most of 6. Then we'd all start to yawn and wander away from the TV.

I've just finished Gordon Ramsay's autobiography (2007 update of Humble Pie). Two things are clear: he truly is fantastic. And I smiley - love him. I notice he wants another baby but his wife isn't keen. Funny, that. I'd like another one, but my smiley - chef isn't keen smiley - run

~drool~ thread

Post 9946

Cheerful Dragon

I don't start drooling over SG-1 until halfway through season 5. That's when Ba'al puts in an appearance for the first time.smiley - drool

~drool~ thread

Post 9947

Sho - employed again!

smiley - drool
Heru'ur is fantastic, as is S3 (but more, S4 and S5) Daniel, Jack from S4 (the Grey hair)
Agent... what's his face, from S5 (or S6) the NID guy Sam liked
I could go on

~drool~ thread

Post 9948


January looks fab, Sho. Jolly well done smiley - smooch

I have good news and bad news.

The good news is that Mr T has booked tickets for us to go and see Joseph on our wedding anniversary later this month.
The bad news is that the silly bu**er didn't check to see if Lee Mead's on that night - and he aint smiley - wah

Is that terribly ungrateful of me?

~drool~ thread

Post 9949

Sho - employed again!

no it isn't ungrateful - it is lovely, but... argh, disappointing. I feel your pain.

I have stressed a gazillion times to smiley - chef that if he wants to do such a thing (we're hoping to get a long weekend in London with the Gruesomes to see Joseph) that he _has_ to check if Lee is on. Or else I won't go.

~drool~ thread

Post 9950


Oh, poor you! Is it somebody freakish?

~drool~ thread

Post 9951

Cheerful Dragon

Sho, can you put a link to the Drool Calendar on the h2g2 Drool calendar page. It's just for those, like me, who missed the geocities link on the previous page - or who never even saw it!smiley - yikes

~drool~ thread

Post 9952

Sho - employed again!

oops sorry!

sure thing

~drool~ thread

Post 9953


It's the wee Lewis chappie, who came third in the competition, who's playing Joseph that week. I think he's about nine, so it'll be interesting in an isn't-he-a-sweet-wee-laddie sort of way

~drool~ thread

Post 9954

Sho - employed again!

well, he can sing ok, but I really hate his accent (Middlesborough, same as smiley - chefsmiley - yikes)

have fun and don't forget to report back!

~drool~ thread

Post 9955


Urgh! Freakboy!


Supposed to be a cracking show though. I'm sure you'll have a great evening.

~drool~ thread

Post 9956

You can call me TC

Congrats to Teuchter and Mr Teuchter on the wedding anniversary. When's the day?

~drool~ thread

Post 9957


oh, good point. Congrats guyssmiley - rose

Hey, Sho, didja see who showed up in Mistresses last night?

~drool~ thread

Post 9958

Reefgirl (Brunel Baby)

Congarats Mr and Mrs T

~drool~ thread

Post 9959

Galaxy Babe - eclectic editor

I enjoyed Mistresses, especially that bored-with-trying-for-a-baby extramarital bonk apres work.

And that Doctor's dead-lover's son is HOT!smiley - yikes

Oh and I've just seen an advert for Torchwood next week. OMG has anyone told Leopardskinfynn that James Marsters is in it?smiley - drool

Calendar? Where?smiley - run

~drool~ thread

Post 9960

Sho - employed again!

I didn't see Mistresses (which channel?) because I went to bed early on account of having been at the pictures the night before and I'm too old for late nights!

We saw Kein Ohr Hasen with Til Schweiger - mmmmmmmmm

A real chick-flick but there were a few guys there who appeared to be enjoying it.

Anyway, if you don't know Til, here he is:

not really big enough, hang on

and Torchwood? James Marsters? really???? smiley - drool

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