Journal Entries


Where the hell did my journal entry go? All it wanted to know was what your brazillian footballers name was. Whats wrong with that? i can say things a lot worse than that you know. in fact, i am. but you cant hear them.

you and me. outside in the carpark. now!

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Latest reply: Apr 15, 2002

A Survey

I'd like your answers to this one please.

If you were a brzilian footballer, what would your name be?

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Latest reply: Apr 6, 2002

Well, you *could* be interested

just got one of these. so im going to give some really glib answers, as is my wont.

What is on your mouse pad?
My mouse.

Favourite smells?
urban pub

Favourite sound?
french spoken into a vocoder

How many rings before you answer the phone?
as many as it takes for me to get there. im not really into long distnace head games

Most important thing in life?
some would say tolerance. others understanding. id say 'living'. only cos im perverse, see

Favourite food?
chips...mmmm....covered in fat and vinegar and salt

Chocolate or vanilla?
Chocolate. does anyone not?

Do you like to drive fast?
i dont drive. i have principals, see?

Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?

Storms: Cool or scary?
stomrs: much of a muchness

Favourite alchololic drink?

What sign of the zodiac?
im above that. 'oh look, this flaming ball of gas says im going to fall in love! it must be right!'

If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?
write for NME...

Ever been in love?

Is the glass half empty or half full?
neither. its empty. its no good leaving the job undone.
Do you type with your figers on the right keys?

What is under your bed?
my younger brother chopped up and stashed in bin liners

Favourite number?

Favourite spectator sport?

If you could build your house anywhere, where would it be?
on solid ground. like what it say in the bible.

The last CD that you bought?
powderfinger odessynumberfive, the beta band hot shots II, zoot woman lving in a magazine, new order get ready. i bulk buy.

What is your favourite TV show?
never mind the buzzcocks. no, black books.

What is your favourite kitchen appliance?
the bread board? i dunno...

If you could play any instrument what would it be?
a guitar. closet axeman at your service

Favourite restaurant / café / eatery?
golden house...mmmm

Scariest moment of your life?
flying through the air having come off my bicycle, aiming downhill at an oncoming car...

What is your favourite season?

What is your least favourite household chore?
washing up! argggggg!

If you could have one super-power what would it be?
voodoo powered xray death bolt shooting eyes

The song you wish you had written?
around the world by daft punk

Cats or dogs?

What's in the boot of your car?
the rest of my family

What is your favourite day?

What is your favourite romantic setting - make it short?
caesar's palace, las vegas. its just so tasteful.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
i dont know. i still havent grown upwards

What is the greatest lesson you have learned in life?
no teachers check the pubs during homeowrk time

Would you do it all again?
most of it

Who would you most like to have dinner with (past or present) and what would you ask them?
this is a stupid bloody question

Who's your role model?
noel edmonds

If you could go one place on earth that you haven't been yet, where would it be?
happy right here, ta. actually, thats a lie. im happy in a place ive already been.

there...gliber than a glib thing being really glib

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2002

Of Work and Tuna Sandwiches

This here is my lunch hour. i have just eaten half of my lunch. i have a very boring job. at least its time consuming and at 5 quid an hour, eh? thats 8 hours i need to work before im solvent, should you fun fun.

more excitingly i just saw an add in NME asking for freelances. i want that job. im not going to get it. if only, eh? sigh...

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Latest reply: Mar 22, 2002


Went to see some bands. Thought you'd be interested . the diatribe. good emo. dustball. good thrashy indie. miles high on mars. good. so now you know.

I think im going deaf in my right ear. odd, cos im also going blind. give it a few weeks and my nerves will stop functioning, my tastebuds will srivel up and my nose will fall off.

i though ones body was sposed to stop working at 80 not 18.

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Latest reply: Mar 8, 2002

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Uncle Heavy [sic]

Researcher U129295

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