This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
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Finch Posted Mar 22, 2001
Just when I was starting to enjoy it, you stopped....... But just for the record, like knickers, eyes are something you can never have too many of.
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Mar 22, 2001
We had to stop. the website went down for about 7 weeks.
maybe they'll all come back
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Mar 22, 2001
i just read your page. how did you come to this forum first?
welcome to the site, i guess. i expect someone will be along to welcome you formally, but if they dont, you can ask me anything. except nto, cos im going on holiday. please feel free to drop by any thime after a week on saturday
Demon Drawer Posted Mar 22, 2001
Guess I'm that someone. Hi there Finch. How about putting something on your space so we call all pop by and say hi. Doesn't need to be much, just click on 'my space' and then edit page and type something in to start.
I'm Demon Drawer (DD to my firends) and the ACE bit stands for Assistant Community Editor, the Guru bit means that I know a little bit about how things work around here. Hopefully I can help you as a new/returning user find your way around. So here are some bits of stuff you may find of assistance hope they are of some help.
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The Guide is still trying to further our knowledge of this insignificant Blue/Green planet of ours. So why not share some of your wisdom find out how here.
Let me know when you have writen your first guide entry so I can check out the latest additions to the guide! Click on reply or my name to get in touch.
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Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Apr 1, 2001
you know, i'll take that as a tacit welcome to me. yes, it's true. i never got welcomed, but thanks to the happy benevolence of the now sadly departed vestboy, im still here. isn't that nice.
just out of interest, how did you find Finch's posting on my humble page?
Inkwash Posted Apr 27, 2001
I'm sure he tried Finch first and then just leapt into the conversation list.
... much like I'm doing. Hello!
What d'you mean, you never got welcomed?
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Apr 27, 2001
well, once all my homepage discussions reappear, you will see that no one actually ever ACEd me. If it wasnt for vesty's benevolence, and Affy and GL of course, Id have been lost - what would you have done without my easygoing wit and charm?
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Apr 29, 2001
dont avoid the question *looms menacingly. insofar as he can*
Inkwash Posted Apr 30, 2001
Without your wit and charm UH I'm sure the site would never have even bothered to raise itself from the N2G2
How's that?
Key: Complain about this post
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- 21: Finch (Mar 22, 2001)
- 22: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Mar 22, 2001)
- 23: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Mar 22, 2001)
- 24: Demon Drawer (Mar 22, 2001)
- 25: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Apr 1, 2001)
- 26: Inkwash (Apr 27, 2001)
- 27: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Apr 27, 2001)
- 28: Inkwash (Apr 29, 2001)
- 29: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Apr 29, 2001)
- 30: Inkwash (Apr 30, 2001)
- 31: Uncle Heavy [sic] (Apr 30, 2001)
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