This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
Bloody Hell Unc...
Captain_SpankMunki [Keeper & Former ACE] Thanking <Diety of choice> for the joy of Goo. Started conversation Sep 4, 2003
I would have thought your page would be better than this. It's the personal space equivalent of an un-carpeted room with a bare light bulb.
If you do have any further questions; please don't hesitate to ask someone else first.
What I meant to say was...
Welcome to Hootoo!
I'm your ACE (Assistant Community Editor) there any many like me, but this one is yours. It's my job to welcome you, answer any questions you might have, point you in the right direction, fluff your pillows and make you comfortable. If you have any questions you can ask them here, by clicking the Reply button at the bottom of this message, or go out on a limb and visit my space here: U195006
You can find out more about <./>ACEs</.> by clicking on that link back there <---.
Here are a few helpful pages made by researchers that might help you settle in and familiarise youself with HooToo:
A719840 -Feisor's Newbie Page
A534953 -Shea's Links
<./>ThePost</.>, H2G2's own newspaper with anything from sporting articles to creative fiction
A690518 - After getting the hang of GuideML you might want to check this place out
These things: and many, many more are <./>Smileys</.> you can find the list of smileys by either clicking on the smiley link back there or clicking on any smiley, like this one
If you are a digibox user you may want to go to the Friends of Leasure District and Digibox Users page U201567 .
Explore, click on any link that takes your fancy, drop in on anyone's conversation, ask questions, Don't Panic, make sure you know where your towel is and above all Enjoy!
Bloody Hell Unc...
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Sep 4, 2003
great! im finally in! it feels so wonderful to be seems like theres a surprise to be had around every corner...i wonder what the future will hold for me?
oh, and i did have a page...but i got tired of it. i think i overglibbed the pudding, really, and i cant be bothered to write anything new...
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Bloody Hell Unc...
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