This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Well hello

Post 81

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i was always picked last. which is odd, cos ive suddenly got really good...

Well hello

Post 82

Darth Zaphod

well congrats on getting bettersmiley - smiley

I got 14 hours of sleep last night...BOY did that feel goodsmiley - smiley

DZsmiley - planet

Well hello

Post 83

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i got about 6 hours...i dont sleep well smiley - wah

and im going to uni on tuesday, so i wont eb online for a good few weeks

Well hello

Post 84

Darth Zaphod

I haven't slept well for a LOOONG time...but I begged my mom to let me skip church, so I slept insmiley - smiley The downside to that is that this coming Saturday is a school dance, which means I'll pry be out until 4 or 5 in the morning, and I can't skip church the next day cuz I did last sundaysmiley - sadface fiddlesticks...oh wellsmiley - smiley

DZsmiley - planet

Well hello

Post 85

Darth Zaphod

oh BTW...I'LL MISS YOU WHILE YOU'RE GONE!!!! smiley - sadfacesmiley - sadfacesmiley - sadface

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