This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

Well hello

Post 1

Darth Zaphod

Well hello! (recognize that? it was in my SUBJECT!! AAHAHHAA!! sorry.) You seemed like a rather interesting fellow, so I thought I'd drop a line. I love star wars...thought I'd tell you that, since it's one of our similarities. I'm 16. woo woo. uuuuuh...can't think of anything else..just wanted to say YO!!!!!!!!!!!

YODA KICKS ASS!!!! (booty, if you don't like crude language...)

Darth Zaphod

Well hello

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

were you high when you wrote that? smiley - tongueout

Well hello

Post 3

Darth Zaphod don't do that. I'm a healthy childsmiley - smiley I just wanted to say whats's up??

Darth Z

Well hello

Post 4

Uncle Heavy [sic]

nothing wrong with it...

up? well, i spent about 4 hours travellign today merely to get two and from work...

Well hello

Post 5

Darth Zaphod

Oh no! That's too much driving? Where do you work? (not like it would mean much to me...I live in the US...but you can tell me anyway!) Anything else that's interesting you'd like to share with me? We'll call this group time...smiley - smiley haha...


Well hello

Post 6

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i dont drive. driving is earth rape, apparently. nah, its quicker to take the train, and id get parking too. i live in winchester but i work in london...

Well hello

Post 7

Darth Zaphod that means you have a nifty awesome British accent? I'm in love with British accents. I adore them, I wish I had one! I admire British people and their sophstication...I know that's stereotypical of me, but oh well. I'm superficial. So is London cool? It's my dream to visit theresmiley - smiley


Well hello

Post 8

Darth Zaphod

I have a question for you...Ya know, on your intro page, you have your Subject strip across the screen, but then you have other smaller additional strips w/ headings/titles across the screen? such as the one that says "quotes about such-and-such" do you do that? I want to on my intro page (which is U198110 I believe...) but I don't know how smiley - sadface could you help me? thank you!

Darth "Still fairly new at this" Zaphod smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 9

Darth Zaphod

And do you add pictures? (sheesh...I should have written down all of my questions and asked the in one lump posting...but I'm not smart enough to do that, so nevermind...) thankssmiley - smiley

Darth "Still VERY new at this" Zaphod smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 10

Uncle Heavy [sic]

my picture is a special treat: i went to a meet in london and they 'kindly' put it into the caption competition, but cos its been put on the site, i can use it...

for headers, use the guide ML code a title right?

i do have a crazy british accent. i have the ebst kind. i have a posh british accent smiley - winkeye

london is a nifty place. huge and dirty and full of weirdos and really really really expensive and quite smoggy. btu cool.

Well hello

Post 11

Darth Zaphod

COOL! I ENVY YOU! I WANT A BRITISH ACCENT! I try, really I do...I've got a pretty good one (compared to other people I know...eeeeesh...) So what other things are you interested in, besides h2g2? My list is:

Star Wars smiley - planet
Hitchhiker's Guide (doi...)
Lord of the Rings (One ring to rule them all...and in the darkness BIND THEM! hehehe)
Harry Potter (make fun of me, I kill you.) HP rules smiley - smiley
Eating (I am the master of eating...though my metabolism keeps me slim)
Sleeping (I can sleep till 2 p.m...that's an accomplishment!)
Spongebob Squarepants and other old cartoons like Rocko's Modern Life.

I can't think of anything else...when I like something, I really like something...oh, and MAD magazinesmiley - smiley haaaaaaa. so how about you?
Do I sound too interested? I'm sorry...I'm not, reallysmiley - smiley hahaha

Darth Z. smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 12

Uncle Heavy [sic]

rather! i say, what? goodness gracious. m'lord. etc...

bear in mind that there are lots of *very* different accents in britain, and some of them are quite remarkably ugly. some are very silly...see 'lock stock and two smoking barrels' to get an idea of some.

star wars i do like. except the new ones smiley - yikes

lord of the rings was an ok film, but cringeworthy in some parts (lets go hunt some orc???)

harry potter...i know someone whose son is going to be in HP two...hes got ginger hair, so it must be one of that lot...but i dont much like it. i read all four books, so i have to read the others. but i dont *like* them. smiley - tongueout

eating. i hate people with slim metabolisms. i can get by usually ona meal a day. i dont, which is my problem smiley - winkeye

i cant sleep much at brain is too active smiley - tongueout

mad magasine is surprisingly funny for an american thing. mad tv on the other hand is rubbish.

things i like:
buying CDs. more than is strictly healthy.
drinking. ditto.
other no good at these lists, but im easily pleased smiley - winkeye

Well hello

Post 13

Darth Zaphod

HA...well cool. I loved the 2nd Star Wars, just cuz of Yoda...he's cool smiley - smiley

My mom's ragging at me to get off the computer...I'll pry post more latersmiley - smiley adios

Darth Zaphod smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 14

Uncle Heavy [sic]

smiley - wah

Well hello

Post 15

Darth Zaphod

Crying...crying? Why are you crying?? Did I sadden you in some way? What is WRONG???? Don't be sad! Chin up!! Be how are you....oh, that's a question. *ahem* so how are you? smiley - smiley Adiossmiley - smileysmiley - smiley

Darth Zaphod smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 16

Uncle Heavy [sic]

you have to reply to all the stuff i said smiley - tongueout

Well hello

Post 17

Darth Zaphod

I do? uh...what did you say? uuuh...

Mad Mag--love it, Mad TV is stoopid.
Buying CD's--I much prefer to download/burn them. Saves money.
OH BOTHER I can't remember anything else! What else would you like me to say? smiley - smiley

Darth Zaphod smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 18

Darth Zaphod

Oh...I don't drink...I'm only 16, and here in the US that makes me illegal. (not like that stops alot of my friends, tho...smiley - sadface) And I'm sure I never will...I'm odd enough as it is, don't need to be intoxicated to double my weirdness! smiley - winkeye

Darth "again" Zaphod smiley - planet

Well hello

Post 19

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i drank underage! smiley - winkeye

oh, and i hate burning CDs. thats cos im not cheap. or rude. or piratical. plus i like buying CDs. smiley - winkeye

Well hello

Post 20

Darth Zaphod

well psshh, fine then! be that snooty! I'm just poor, so I'm tryin' to save a buck...who cares?! smiley - smiley

Darth Zaphod smiley - planet

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