This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]

*nudge* Uncle, you still on for Alton Towers in a couple of weeks?

Post 1

Clive the flying ostrich: Amateur Polymath | Chief Heretic.

I shall endeavour to be going. smiley - smiley Saw your name on the list.
BTW - picked up a very garish Shirt in jamaica over the summer - want to have a contest and see if we can out-loud each other? smiley - winkeye
(Get piccies in the post! )

smiley - rainbow

*nudge* Uncle, you still on for Alton Towers in a couple of weeks?

Post 2

Uncle Heavy [sic]

i probably cant go - im working in london during that time althopugh not on friday or staurdayd but i need to save my bling...

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*nudge* Uncle, you still on for Alton Towers in a couple of weeks?

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