This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
Hello UH - I'm new here!
Candi - now 42! Started conversation Dec 2, 2001
Just been browsing conversations - enjoyed the "God disappearing in a puff of logic", dunno what else to say really. Just wanted to introduce myself to you
Hello UH - I'm new here!
Tonsil Revenge (PG) Posted Dec 2, 2001
Take a look at the toolbar above and click on 'front page'. That will give you a good idea of what is supposed to be going on around here.
If you click on anyone's nickname, that will take you to their space.
Dont' worry about saying anything. It will come to you.
If you get lost, click on 'my space' on the toolbar and it will take you back to where you started from.
Hello UH - I'm new here!
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Dec 2, 2001
hi candi...glad to see you found out how this thing took me ages i can tell you. and no one came to welcome me. humph.
if you need any help in this polace, just give me a call. ill introduce you to people, that sort of thing. except im away for a bit quite soon, but we shall see.
anyway, the site is absolutely fantastic and there are plenty of great people, so im sure every thing will be hunky dorey
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Hello UH - I'm new here!
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