This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
You're invited (again) ...
Garius Lupus Started conversation Aug 16, 2001
Yup, that's right. Again. Your holidays are done now, aren't they?
Hopefully, you didn't read any other character descriptions last time. Did you?
This time, someone dropped out, so there is a role that needs filling. It's the role of Johan Martens. Wanna play it? If you do, reread the scenario and rules (some rules have been updated - reading backlog and stealing) and read the character description. You don't need to worry about what has happened so far. Here's all that Martens has done/seen:
He started out on deck. The captain ordered him and another seaman to check the hold. The both went down there. Martens is still there. The first thing you should do is to go back to the "on deck" thread.
I'm just catching up on the backlog from being away yesterday. Hope to see you on deck.
You're invited (again) ...
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Aug 17, 2001
oh no! I'm sorry, but im back on the 28th...i have more holidays coming up im also leaving in less than 24 hours, so unless you dont intend to start for a fortnight, i still cannot do it
You're invited (again) ...
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Aug 23, 2001
believe me its been absolutely magical
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You're invited (again) ...
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