This is the Message Centre for Uncle Heavy [sic]
You're invited ...
Garius Lupus Started conversation Jul 24, 2001
... to play a role in a role-playing scenario that I am setting up. It's not quite done yet (haven't managed to get all of the character descriptions up yet), but the scenario description is here:
It will point you to a general information and rules page, so be sure to read that too. The character you will be playing, if you want to play, is Seaman Johan Goodschad. I have gotten his/your private thread up, so you can read your character description.
While everyone is waiting for the thing to start, they have gathered in a thread called: "Pre-start conversation" on the main scenario page. Not too many there yet, but the crowd will grow as I scan/edit in more of the character descriptions.
Let me know (either here or on the private thread) if you do or don't want to participate.
You're invited ...
Uncle Heavy [sic] Posted Jul 26, 2001
its good. its very good. but i fear i wont be able to do it now. for complicated reasons beyond my control. youd have thought at seventeen id be allowed to have a say in my own affairs, really, wouldnt you?
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